How Can New Bridges In Brazil Help Monkeys Cross A Highway?

9 Jun 2024

Canopy bridge installation in Brazil

Smithsonian´s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute.

Indigenous groups and researchers are building literal bridges together to help monkeys and other wildlife cross Brazil's highways.

Brazil has over 2 million kilometers of highways and a 2022 study estimated those roads could be killing 9 million medium to large mammals annually, with some species reaching more than 200,000 individuals per year.

Fernanda Abra, an associate researcher at NGO Instituto de Pesquisas Ecologicas in Brazil says the Reconecta project uses artificial canopy bridges to reduce the deaths of tree-dwelling animals in the Amazon caused by traffic on BR-174, a 3,321 kilometre-long road that connects Roraima state with the rest of the country.

"I truly believe that reducing animal collisions on highways is very important in the fight to reduce biodiversity loss," she says, adding that the project is being supported by the Waimiri-Atroari indigenous community, which was highly impacted by a surge in illegal deforestation when the highway was constructed in the 1970s.

More than 150 Waimiri-Atroari people participated in the construction and installation of the canopy bridges along a 125 km section of the highway, with each canopy bridge monitored by camera traps.

The team recorded 500 animal crossings over an 11-month period and some bridges were used within just 30 days after construction. Some species showing a preference for one of the two canopy bridge designs: either a rope lattice or a single cable encased in braided rope attached to trees (the materials come in at about $2000 per bridge).

Abra explains that working with transportation agencies in Brazil is a great opportunity to expand the project and convince road managers across the country to adapt highways to be less harmful to wildlife.

"I believe that biodiversity conservation is not done alone, and it is necessary to have great flexibility to align different interests and agendas in favor of biodiversity conservation," she says, "The biggest challenge of this type of project is maintaining partnerships and ensuring that partners and different stakeholders communicate and reach a consensus."

In recognition of her work, Abra was awarded a £50,000 (about $62,500) Whitley Award by Her Royal Highness Princess Anne in May 2024 on behalf of UK charity the Whitley Fund for Nature.

Passion For Road Ecology

Abra grew up in a city in the central-west region of São Paulo state called Bauru in Brazil.

"My earliest childhood memories are of always being in nature, interacting with animals," she says, adding during Carnival time the family would go camping instead of the festivities.

Abra explains that during a 2004 internship at the office of Brazil's federal environmental organization in Bauru, she had her first contact with road ecology, that is, the environmental effects of roads and highways.

"One of the spreadsheets I worked on contained data on mortality from roadkill: I remember being shocked to see the hundreds and thousands of wild mammals hit on that highway," she says," Deer, pumas, ocelots, giant anteaters... there were so many animals suffering a direct impact on that highway."

Abra had heard about wildlife underpasses and shared this solution with her boss.

"The highway we were working on became the first in the state of São Paulo to have mitigation measures like wildlife crossings and fences and this was a viable solution to reduce animal deaths," she says adding that it was on the that same highway that she carried out her master's research.

"I remember exactly the first time I removed the memory card from my camera trap and plugged it into the computer to see what had been recorded," Abra says, "It was a tremendous joy... I saw deer, capybaras, and maned wolves using these structures!"

She says that this was her "Eureka moment" when she found out that there was a solution for the big problem of road mortality.

Abra is now a postdoc fellow at Smithsonian National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute and says that scientists in the Global South are accustomed to limited financial resources and how to deal with political obstacles.

"The perspective of scientists from the Global South is to have a more creative approach to solving problems; we don't always need complex or expensive measures," she says, "I see several other conservation colleagues in Brazil being extremely successful in their projects with creative and low-cost conservation actions."

Fernanda Abra and Waimiri Atroari people building canopy bridges.

Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. Indigenous Groups Saving The Red Siskin in Guyana

On the other side of the border from Brazil's Roraima state, Leroy Ignacio, president of the South Rupununi Conservation Society, a grassroots Indigenous-led conservation NGO in Guyana, is helping to save the Red Siskin (Spinus cucullatusa) — an endangered little red bird — after it was "discovered" there.

Ignacio explains that in 2000, he was guiding scientists from the Smithsonian Institute and the University of Kansas when they spotted a Red Siskin, a bird already slated as endangered in Venezuela and Colombia.

"The Red Siskin was then considered 'scientifically discovered' in Guyana," he says, adding that it is important to note that local residents knew of the species and even had a local name for the bird, they just weren't aware of its conservation status.

"The discovery of the siskin then acted as a catalyst for myself and a group of friends from other surrounding communities to form the SRCS to help protect the siskin and other important species," he says, adding that the NGO has now created a 75,000 hectare Red Siskin Community Managed Conservation Zone and they now have over 200 active registered members, including people from the region's Indigenous peoples like the Wapichan, Makushi and Wai Wai.

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