M'sian NGO Calls for Bruno Mars to Speak Up for Palestine or Risk ...

3 days ago

For those of you who may not know, Bruno Mars will be coming to Malaysia for the 2nd time ever (previously in 2018), on September 17, 2024.

Bruno Mars - Figure 1

But, not everyone is excited over this!

BDS Malaysia (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) took to their Instagram account to urge Bruno Mars to show his support for Palestine or face boycotts in our country.

They wrote, “Bruno Mars is a talented artist but talent is not an excuse to turn a blind eye to the ongoing genocide of our fellow human beings. While Palestinians have been and still are being ethnically cleansed from their homeland, Bruno has been openly declaring his support for the oppressor – the apartheid state of Israel.”

“We call on Bruno Mars to stand with Palestine and condemn all the well-documented Israeli atrocities and criminal acts against Palestinians. Or face being canceled until he does.”

Bruno Mars - Figure 2

This comes after Bruno Mars had told Israeli fans that he loves them in their native language during his 2-day concerts in Tel Aviv in 2023. (Though, we do have to note that he does tell fans he loves them in their native languages in every country he goes to.)

In another post, BDS Malaysia further called for Bruno Mars to use his star power to champion Palestine. 

“Forget ‘talking to the moon’, Mr. Mars. Speak truth to power, to the world, and to your own human heart. Let your words resonate with courage and clarity, challenging the tyranny and injustice that has invaded precious lives, occupying their every breath cruelly, unapologetically.”

Bruno Mars - Figure 3

“‘Just the way you are’ is not the way we are. So make your voice a weapon for what is right because anything less is not welcome here,” they added.

For both posts, they included pictures of Bruno Mars that have been edited to make him look like he’s covered in blood and holding a grenade, with captions that say, “Say no to Bruno” and “Zionists and supporters of genocide are not welcome in Malaysia”.

You can check out their posts here.

What do you think will happen in regards to Bruno Mar’s concert in September? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.

Also read: “Did they campaign for Israel?” – M’sians Divided Over Siti Nurhaliza’s Participation in David Foster Concert

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