Binance Extends Redemption Offer For XIRTAM Victims Binance...

4 Jul 2023
Binance Extends Redemption Offer For XIRTAM Victims

has revealed the reopening of the asset recovery application for users affected by the XIRTAM issue. Over the past month, BNB’s dedicated security team has diligently worked to address the concerns surrounding the XIRTAM project. This involved engaging in effective communication with users and continuously striving to find resolutions. Recently, the team successfully completed testing for the return of assets, marking a significant milestone in the recovery process.

With all the necessary preparations completed, BNB now invites its users impacted by the XIRTAM issue to submit their specific information through a designated form. To be eligible for asset recovery, users must submit their applications by 23:59 on August 2, 2023. Once the affected Binance account is verified, the security team will initiate the return of the respective ETH assets to eligible users through the smart contract address. This initiative highlights BNB’s commitment to maintaining a secure and trustworthy platform for its users. By actively investigating the XIRTAM issue and taking appropriate measures to safeguard user assets, Binance demonstrates its dedication to the integrity of the crypto community.
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