Can China's second-gen factory owners give 'made in China' a ...

China’s second-generation factory owners are taking the helm of manufacturing in the world’s second-largest economy. Illustration: Lau Ka-kuen

China - Figure 1
Photo South China Morning Post
Like young monarchs, suddenly thrust at the helm of their family’s legacy, Gen Z and millennials are returning to oversee decades of business growth in difficult times The generation that made China a manufacturing powerhouse is being aged off the job, heaping responsibilities on often-unprepared offspring – but their fresh ideas may just save the industry

China - Figure 2
Photo South China Morning Post

Published: 6:00am, 8 Aug, 2023

Updated: 8:17am, 8 Aug, 2023

China’s second-generation factory owners are taking the helm of manufacturing in the world’s second-largest economy. Illustration: Lau Ka-kuen

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