'Diablo 4' Review: It Is Great, I Refuse To Make A Hell Pun

31 May 2023
Diablo 4

Diablo 4


I am 30 hours into Diablo 4. I am a level 51 Necromancer in World Tier 3, Nightmare. I am throwing waves of skeletons at enemies in the Fields of Hate. I fling something called a Blood Lance at the remaining survivors who are also dissolving in a pool of corpse poison. I have legendaries in every slot. I have build synergy. I have the first few pieces of an endless puzzle of the paragon system.

I am stopping. I am forcing myself to stop. I am enjoying Diablo 4 too much to throw another 30+ hours into this only for my PC review copy to kill off my powerful Necromancer for a clean-slate start on launch day, as no progress saves. But after playing this long, beating the story, exploring the map, tasting the endgame, I can tell you what I think about it all.

Diablo 4 is an ocean. The map is vast, no longer broken up into disparate, walled-off pieces, but sprawling and wide and explorable. The story probably took me 15-20 hours or so, and then you can add some extra sidequest exploration and dungeon crawling on top of that. It’s big, and that story path carved me through maybe half the map, if not less. The rest is just…there. You need to go explore it. You have to find the PvP Fields of Hate manually. You have to root out dozens and dozens of hidden permanent stat boosts that apply to all account characters. You have to beat all the dungeons and farm all the unlocked aspects. And you have to power up to progress through world tiers.

And this is before the live service stuff even starts in July.

It is easy for me to say that if you like Diablo 2 or 3, you will like Diablo 4. If you have previously found the series overly grindy and repetitive and endless farming holds no appeal for you, there may not be much to change your mind here. Except, perhaps, the story this time, one that held weight for me in a way the past games didn’t. But I’ll get to that.

What we see here is an attempt to marry the best aspects of both Diablo 2 and 3, and I’d say it mostly succeeds. We are back to the bleak, gothic horror of the second game. I think D3 got unfairly maligned in that regard but yes, this is pure D2. Washed-out, bloody, but still in many areas, grotesquely gorgeous. At worst, a bit muddy in a few zones. Fresh detail has been put into your hero specifically, between the character creator and some really beautiful work on the armor and weapons this time around that will greet you each time you log into the game. I’ve already had a blast going through transmog with my limited farmed selection of gear.

Diablo 4


Gameplay feels very similar to both past Diablo games in different ways. In addition to my Necromancer here, I put a good amount of time into Druid and Rogue in the betas. I’ve avoided Barbarian who will be my first launch character. With Necromancer, I actually felt a bit overpowered on all difficulties with my infinite skele-tanks and casting crap at enemies and bosses alike from relative safety. But that’s necro for you.

The skill system is something I’m not quite done wrapping my head around. It’s a merge between Diablo 2’s “if you pick one skill wrong at the start your entire build is screwed” and Diablo 3’s “change anything at any time for free.” It’s not free to respec, it costs gold, and more and more gold as time goes on. Changing your core skills can get pretty expensive as you have to subtract skill points to get all the way back to earlier skills from late-game ones as the tree winds downward. But changing say, a specific modifier for a single skill between two options in the tree is instant and cheap, like switching a skill rune in D3 with a tiny cost (which I did not actually figure out until hour 25). It takes some getting used to but ultimately feels fine, if not a bit confusing at first.

Loot itemization is also a departure from really all past games. Gone are set items, which lock you into a hyper-specific string of gear and anything less is suboptimal. Instead, the game wants you to combine legendary effects, dungeon-unlocked affixes and legendary paragon board nodes along with your skills to make your builds. Many paths to the same endpoint, not just one.

At first, it’s kind of weird to see different legendaries dropping with the same abilities. But soon you will appreciate that flexibility. Say I have a chest and gloves that both drop with good stats, but both have the legendary ability to give me two more raised skeletons. Since those don’t stack, it’s a wasted slot. So, instead I grab some 20-below power legendary boots that dropped ages ago and extract its legendary ability, giving those gloves Blood Lance bonus damage instead. This is opposed to say, finding that one exact legendary in that one exact slot with the exact ability you want. There are still wholly unique, hugely powerful classic items in the late game that have special powers you cannot extract, but the “normal” legendary diversity with this system became essential the more I geared up.

The campaign here is quite good. It’s six Acts, but Act 3 is crazy long and I thought Acts 5 and 6 were one Act because they were pretty short. And again, this exposes maybe half the map at best. I really appreciated Lorath as the non-player lead of the story, with excellent voicework by storied actor Ralph Ineson. There’s surprisingly good storytelling and scene direction going on even with this top-down perspective, and there’s a weight to it that the other games didn’t have. After Lorath, you won’t miss Deckard Cain at all.

Diablo 4


Lilith, of course, is a star. Voiced by Caroline Faber, it’s not just that she’s a refreshing change from the various fire-spewing boss monsters (like Diablo himself) that we find ourselves going up against, it’s the eerie level of control she exerts over the entire landscape as a cult-like figure. You probably watched the cutscene in the beta of her followers massacring a priest speaking out against her. It’s that, but the entire landscape with just a few pockets of safety. Without getting into spoilers, there is a final Act cutscene that is one of the best I’ve ever seen from Blizzard, and that’s saying something.

Any misses? A few. I’m not that wild about the breadth of enemy diversity in the game, which is a whole lot of repeats from past games, which I get, but I am mildly tired of fighting goatmen and it doesn’t feel like that many new groups have been added. I know that future seasons are adding new enemies to the game, which makes me wonder if things were cut in the base game in favor of live service to come.

The addition of a horse to traverse the world is odd. It’s kind of necessary, given the massive size, but simultaneously it’s pretty weird to just ride past mobs in the open world and passing them before they can even react. Obviously you can’t do that in dungeons, but still.

Dungeons are…okay. I don’t miss the Greater Rift timer but pretty quickly you will start seeing the same “kill three guys, put three things on the pedestal” over and over, and when you get ones like “kill every enemy in this zone” things really start to drag. I did a couple Nightmare dungeons which add in some modifiers, but with many it’s tough to notice a difference, and they’re just…longer. Better rewards, I suppose. I guess Rifts and endless Baal runs were not exactly fresh each time you ran them, but you still quickly run into a same-ness here regardless.

I was more impressed with some of the open world endgame activities, including the Fields of Hatred, a PvP zone that I did…not actually play PvP in because I was playing in an unpopulated world, but I fought some hard monsters and earned currency that goes toward cosmetics. The Tree of Whispers is a new Adventure Mode-type mechanic which allows you to run a variety of world activities that give you varying amounts of credits to a cache from the tree, where sometimes it might be a guaranteed legendary. Finally, I enjoyed Helltides, roasted sections of the map that are only live for a limited time. Those zones threw me in with enemies far over my power level and really made me work for a temporary currency that opens up extremely good caches of Sacred (better) Legendaries before time expires. I can’t really think of an equivalent in past games.

Diablo 4


It also seems like World Bosses will be fun, but again, in review mode here it was a whole lot of work to try to assemble a real group for those, so I didn’t bother, though I know how they work from the beta. Everything I just mentioned in this section unlocks at the end of the campaign, along with the Paragon board at level 50, which I’d consider a dramatic upgrade from the “here have some stats” version in D3. It’s a sprawling system with legitimately huge power nodes (I just got a flat 10% damage increase one) and extremely important skill-altering legendary nodes you can build toward with abilities stronger than any piece of gear I found. It’s essentially like another capstone skill per board. It’s a big upgrade from the last system.

Though in theory, an “endgame” playthrough of Diablo 4 is probably 100-200 hours across a larger span of classes, I feel like I can judge what I’ve seen. My impressions are overwhelmingly positive based on what I’ve experienced so far, from the map to the gameplay to the new systems to even the story, which I was not expecting. Blizzard really seems like they’ve nailed this, and I’m going to say the only way this will be poorly received at launch is if technical issues kill people’s ability to play. But once it gets rolling? Yes, I think you’re going to like Diablo 4.

Score: 9/10 (don’t get mad at me about this if the servers don’t work on launch day)

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