Malaysia search dog Blake, hero of Batang Kali landslide, dies after ...

20 Sep 2023

PUTRAJAYA - Blake, one of the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department’s search dogs involved in the Batang Kali landslide rescue mission last December, has been euthanised.

According to the fire department’s corporate management division, Blake had been diagnosed with stage four lymphoma cancer on Aug 15.

“Black was admitted to the pet dog ward at the University Putra Malaysia Veterinary Faculty on Sept 14 when he suffered a loss of appetite and was lethargic,” the fire department said in a statement on Monday.

“While in the ward, the dog failed to respond to medication and treatment administered. The veterinary department detected that the cancer had spread aggressively.”

After a discussion with veterinarian Dr Nur Alimah Rahman, it was agreed that Blake be put to sleep due to his rapidly declining health.

“The decision was made to as there was no hope of recovery and to stop its suffering,” it said.

Seven-year-old Blake was a purebred English Springer Spaniel from the United Kingdom.

He was acquired by the department in 2017 and has contributed to various search operations.

These include the search and rescue of victims who were swept away by a column of water at Titi Hayun, Kedah, and the search for victims of the Batang Kali landslide that killed 31 people in December 2022.

“The loss of Blake will certainly be felt by all the department. Goodbye Blake,” the fire department said.

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