Dutch Volleyball player Steven van de Velde, convicted of raping 12 ...

3 days ago
Dutch volleyball player

NEW DELHI: In a controversial turn of events, Dutch beach volleyball player

Steven van de Velde

, who was convicted of raping a 12-year-old British girl, has qualified for the upcoming

Paris Olympics

. This development has sparked intense debate, considering his past and the gravity of his crime.
Van de Velde was sentenced in March 2016 to four years in prison after pleading guilty to three counts of rape involving a child he met on Facebook.

At the time of the crime in August 2014, Van de Velde was 19 years old and travelLed from the Netherlands to the UK to meet the victim. During his trial, Judge Francis Sheridan remarked that Van de Velde's aspirations of representing his country in the Olympics were "shattered."
Judge Francis Sheridan told him, "Prior to coming to this country you were training as a potential Olympian. Your hopes of representing your country now lie as a shattered dream."
Despite this, Van de Velde was released after serving just 12 months in a Dutch prison and has since worked to revive his Olympic career. He has now secured a place in the national beach volleyball team for the Paris Games, partnering with Matthew Immers. The pair is currently ranked 11th in the world.

This situation presents a significant

ethical dilemma

for the

International Olympic Committee

(IOC), as all Olympians are required to sign an Athletes' Rights and Responsibilities Declaration, which includes a commitment to act as role models.
During the sentencing at Aylesbury Crown Court, Van de Velde's defense lawyer, Linda Strudwick, described the case as career-ending for the athlete, highlighting the media's portrayal of him as a "sex monster."


Van de Velde

, now 29, has managed to rebuild his career. His qualification for the Olympics has raised questions about the rehabilitation and redemption of athletes convicted of serious crimes.
Van de Velde's crime involved traveling from Amsterdam to

Milton Keynes

to engage in sexual activity with a 12-year-old girl he had met online. The court heard that he had communicated with the victim via social media before arranging the visit, during which he raped her while her mother was away.
Judge Sheridan condemned Van de Velde's actions, stating, "Your actions have wrecked your life and you could, had you never come to England and committed these offenses, have been a leader in your sport. A young, naive, foolish child had formed the view that you loved her. In reality, you only knew her on the internet, had never met her before and were fully aware of the age difference."
Upon his release in 2017, Van de Velde expressed his desire to correct what he called 'nonsense' written about him during his imprisonment, asserting that he is not a 'sex monster' or a 'paedophile.' He stated, "I want to correct all the nonsense that has been written about me while I was imprisoned. I deliberately didn't read any of it, but I understand it was quite severe, branding me as a sex monster, as a paedophile. That I am not, really not.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion about me, but it's only fair if they also hear my side of the story."
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) has expressed outrage at Van de Velde's lack of remorse and self-pity, pointing out the long-lasting impact of grooming on the victim.
In response to Van de Velde's situation, the Dutch Olympic Committee and the country's volleyball federation have yet to make any public comment on his qualification for the Paris Games. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has also been contacted for a response regarding his controversial inclusion in the Olympic line up.

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