Looking to download an email? Here's how you can do it using Gmail

19 Feb 2024

If you're considering

switching email providers

or just wish to maintain a backup of your


correspondence, downloading your emails is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you in exporting your Gmail messages using various methods, whether you're transitioning to a new provider or

creating backups

for archival purposes. Downloading your emails allows you to preserve or distribute specific

email conversations

and attachments from your Gmail account.

This is beneficial if you ever decide to close your Gmail account but still want to retain important records or send specific emails as attachments in other applications.
Method 1: Downloading emails individually

Go to the Gmail app on your device. Open the email: Navigate to the email you wish to download within Gmail.Access email menu: Click on the three dots located in the upper right corner of the email window to open the email menu.Download message: From the menu options, select "Download message." This action will prompt the email to be saved as an EML file.Locate download: The downloaded EML file will appear in your computer's Downloads folder.

It is important to note that EML files require an email program, such as Outlook or Yahoo Mail, to be opened. They cannot be read by standard word processing software.

Method 2: Sending emails as attachments

Open the Gmail app on your device. Compose new email: Click on the "Compose" button within Gmail to create a new email.Attach files: In the email composition window, locate and click on the "Attach files" option, typically found at the bottom of the window.Select email to send: Choose the EML file(s) you wish to download from your computer, then click "Open" to attach them to the email.Send email: Once the files are attached, proceed to send the email as you normally would by clicking the "Send" button.

By following these simple steps, you can efficiently download individual Gmail emails or send them as attachments, ensuring you have access to your important correspondence whenever you need it. Whether you're transitioning to a new email service or safeguarding your data, having backups of your Gmail emails is a valuable practice.

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