Google Maps driver led to dead end at sugar cane plantation in East ...

13 Jun 2023
Google Maps driver led to dead end at sugar cane plantation in East Java, Indonesia

The driver of a Google Maps vehicle ended up getting lost in a sugar cane plantation at East Java, Indonesia, while taking pictures for its Street View. — Screen capture via Facebook/ Wisata Istimewa

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By Sylvia Looi

Tuesday, 13 Jun 2023 10:59 AM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 — A Google Maps driver ended having to seek the assistance of locals after he was led to a dead end road at a sugar cane plantation in Indonesia by the navigation software.

The vehicle, which was in the process of recording pictures for its Street View application, could not turn back due to slippery road conditions in the plantation located at Malang in East Java, Detik reported.

The driver ended having to seek the assistance of villagers to pull the vehicle for about 400 meters from the plantation using ropes.

A villager said that the dead end road did appear in the software.

“We were not aware the driver had driven into the road or else we would have warned him not to do so,” the villager named Amin, said.

He added this was not the first time a vehicle had tried using the dead end road, noting that the most recent incident happened last year.

Social media users were amused with the incident where the software ended up causing their own driver to get lost.

One social media user said if the driver was a woman, people would blame it on gender and that women were not good at reading maps.

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