You shouldn't be inspired by the Japanese man who sleeps 30 mins ...

12 days ago

Sep 04, 2024 02:59 PM IST

Daisuke Hori, a 40-year-old from Japan claims to sleep only 30 mins a day for the last 12 years, to increase his life-span. Experts suggest against it.

Don't get inspired by Daisuke Hori, a 40-year-old from Japan who claims to sleep only 30 mins a day for the last 12 years, to increase his life-span. "He started cutting back on sleep 12 years ago to gain more active hours each day and managed to reduce his sleep to only 30 to 45 minutes a day," South China Morning Post reported. 

Japanese man sleeps 30 minutes - Figure 1
Photo Hindustan Times
Daisuke Hori, a 40-year-old from Japan who is extending his life-span by reducing his sleep

“While a lot of people enticed by the idea of reducing their sleep requirements to have more productive hours or to have longer lifespan it is important to understand that most humans require 8-9 hours of sleep which can vary depending on age, physical activity levels and sleep deprivation,” says Dr Sneha Sharma, Psychiatrist, Anvaya Healthcare. 

Adequate sleep is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle as during sleep our body is not only resting but our mind is active and diligently involved in repair and recovery work. “Sleep is also a time when consolidation of memory and learning happens. While body can manage acute sleep deprivation , chronic sleep deprivation can lead to long lasting changes in our physical and psychological health. These changes range from effects on mood, increased anxiety and impulsivity and cognitive decline. They can impact executive functioning of the brain and also effect memory. Physical illnesses like diabetes and hypertension and cardiovascular diseases can also be a consequence of poor sleep,” adds Sharma. 

Sleeping for just 30 minutes a day is far below the amount of rest most people need for optimal health. Here are some serious repercussions that could occur:

Cognitive Impairment: Extreme sleep deprivation can severely affect your cognitive functions, including memory, attention, and decision-making abilities. You might experience difficulty concentrating, slower reaction times, and impaired judgment.

Mood Disturbances: Lack of sleep can lead to mood swings, irritability, and increased stress. Chronic sleep deprivation can even contribute to depression and anxiety disorders.

Physical Health Issues: Chronic deprivation of sleep can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. It also increases the risk of developing conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

Hormonal Imbalance: Sleep plays a vital role in regulating hormones that control hunger, stress, and growth. Disruption in sleep patterns can lead to issues like weight gain, increased stress levels, and other hormonal imbalances.

Impaired Motor Skills: Lack of adequate sleep affects coordination and motor skills, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.

Reduced Quality of Life: With extreme sleep deprivation, your overall quality of life can decline, impacting your ability to work, maintain relationships, and engage in daily activities.

With inputs from Dr Vibhu Kwatra, pulmonologist and sleep medicine expert
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