Horoscope Today: July 02, 2023

2 Jul 2023
See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Change is upon you, and with the full moon tomorrow, your psychic abilities – which include your intuition, flashes of inspiration or ideas, emotional outbursts or just an innate need to slow down – may be at their peak, Pisces. If you view your seeds of thought like precious jewels, you will begin to understand that you have a priceless treasure chest you are sitting on, Sag! Step by step you can move towards your pot of gold, by stringing together one idea at a time. Healing is coming your way, Libra. Whatever you may have been dealing with, help is being ushered in at top and calming speed. You are a beacon to more people than you think, Capricorn. Your ability to think for yourself, stand up for what you feel is right and stand by your convictions and people are admirable traits, rarely found in most to this degree. Burn away your worries, your limiting beliefs and your restricting ideas on life, Scorpio. What if a win-win outcome is possible, but it just needs you to be a bit more balanced in your life. Perhaps you may have been pushing forward for one particular goal tirelessly, but your soul may have more balanced plans for you? A loggerhead kind of a situation may just be here to teach you how you need to view yourself despite all the rough waters that surround you, Taurus. Ask your personal Unicorns to bring back love into a situation that may be feeling toxic or unmanageable.

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Photo Vogue India
Aries Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

Your stargates have opened up leading you to portals that help raise your vibe, Aries. Your star family is here helping you remember your spark that stays alive no matter what. If wounds and memories are feeling too heavy to carry, they are just meant to be left behind. While there is no need to suppress them, there is also no need to carry them close to you. The process of shedding can be a painful one. Spending some time meditating may be the medicine you need and before you know it, it may become a ritual you want to incorporate in your daily life.

Cosmic Wisdom: Gather your strength. Nurture yourself. Feel your emotions. Hydrate.

Taurus Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

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Photo Vogue India

A loggerhead kind of a situation may just be here to teach you how you need to view yourself despite all the rough waters that surround you, Taurus. Ask your personal Unicorns to bring back love into a situation that may be feeling toxic or unmanageable. Instead of holding onto the harsh words or actions of others today, try and come back to the basics. Let people project whatever they wish to, your job is to remember that you are a blank screen even when the projector is working with full force. 

Cosmic Wisdom: Difficult doesn't mean impossible. Breathe through the day and come back to something that keeps you feeling strong and as calm as possible, irrespective of what others throw your way.

Gemini Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

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Photo Vogue India

It is likely to be a magical day, where no matter what you choose, you will be rewarded, Gemini. When you feel your interests may feel threatened or compromised, ask your angels for extra support and shielding. It may not be that you would know what conspires next instantly, but your rewards will reach you multifold soonly. Keep peace as your priority to view things from a higher perspective. All the dots will connect soon enough and the picture will complete itself.

Cosmic Wisdom: Accept yourself fully and love your vulnerable parts.

Cancer Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

What if you are the scribe to your soul’s promptings, Cancer? What if you are not meant to see physical proof before you follow your heart and take action? What if it is your intuitive action that opens doors of opportunities you are waiting on? Your job is to focus on yourself and listen to your innate wisdom and your angels will help you fly by activating your wings just in time for you to soar.

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Photo Vogue India

Cosmic Wisdom: Leap out of your nest to explore the world. What you dream of is being made possible for you now.

Leo Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

Wanting to rest, and wanting to move, may be two contradicting emotions you may be feeling today, Leo. What is it that is coming forward to be burnt and transmuted for good? Anything that is keeping you feeling like you are in the same place may be ready to leave your life. There is a rainbow bridge being opened up for you right now. And even though it may feel like it’s taking you away from your dreams, it is only here to let you know that everything is ultimately the same, with different routes that take you on different journeys.

Cosmic Wisdom: Take time to rest and recoup, that is sometimes the most productive thing you can do for yourself.

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Virgo Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

Keep community at your core today, Virgo. A good leader is one who is part of the circle not at the top of a hierarchy. Work your magic by creating and honouring the circle around you and make each one in your life know how special they are and the value they add to your life. Access this feeling of harmony and bring it forward in other aspects in your life that may be in need of a health check. Remember, the secret ingredient is always you.

Cosmic Wisdom: Extra-ordinary magic can be created when love becomes second nature.

Libra Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

Healing is coming your way, Libra. Whatever you may have been dealing with, help is being ushered in at top and calming speed. Set pure intentions for all involved while not shying away from expressing your exact needs and wants. Know that by honouring yourself, you also set examples for people to honour themselves. Feeling satisfied and content is the goal behind all manifestations, so allow yourself to feel this way now.

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Photo Vogue India

Cosmic Wisdom:  Cool off in your reservoir of love and be a little playful today.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

Burn away your worries, your limiting beliefs and your restricting ideas on life, Scorpio. What if a win-win outcome is possible, but it just needs you to be a bit more balanced in your life. Perhaps you may have been pushing forward for one particular goal tirelessly, but your soul may have more balanced plans for you? Master your ever-evolving self by remembering that priorities shift rhythmically in your life. You and your loved ones will be more than provided for, set your goals and leave the how to your cosmic guides.

Cosmic Wisdom: ‘Take it easy’ by the Eagles may be your go to vibe today.

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Sagittarius Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

If you view your seeds of thought like precious jewels, you will begin to understand that you have a priceless treasure chest you are sitting on, Sag! Step by step you can move towards your pot of gold, by stringing together one idea at a time. Multi-tasking may be your thing, but organising yourself well is your strength that allows you to multitask with ease and finesse. You have the divine forces supporting you infinitely, so how is it that you are going to choose to live your fullest potential without being burnt out.

Cosmic Wisdom: Everyone’s success story is a uniquely different one, so carve yours out today.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

You are a beacon to more people than you think, Capricorn. Your ability to think for yourself, stand up for what you feel is right and stand by your convictions and people are admirable traits, rarely found in most to this degree. By just being yourself you spread a warm glow to those around you and your touch lives in ways more than one. So continue to keep facing your true north and let your angels hold your hand through it all.

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Photo Vogue India

Cosmic Wisdom: You embody oneness by being exactly who you are. Your benignness is your biggest strength.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

Gear up for a sparkly magical season in your life, Aquarius. New opportunities, resources, and material gifts are about to enter your life. Prepare for this by decluttering and sharing forward what has served you - be it a thought, a resource or some extra things that are lying around untouched for a while. Look for the signs popping up in your life and know that your angels and guides have cosmically arranged for certain things to come your way. Walk through with excitement and confidence.

Cosmic Wisdom: New realms are opening up for you, enjoy the enchanted garden with all its magical beings putting up a show for you.

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Photo Vogue India
Pisces Horoscope Today: July 2, 2023

Change is upon you, and with the full moon tomorrow, your psychic abilities - which include your intuition, flashes of inspiration or ideas, emotional outbursts or just an innate need to slow down - may be at their peak, Pisces. For some your body will be giving you messages about your way forward - through excitement, tiredness, or in any other way. Listen carefully and ask your Unicorns to amp things up for you during the week ahead.

Cosmic Wisdom: There is a reason behind everything, even when we cannot see the reason clearly.

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Photo Vogue India
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