There are about 3000 gold deposits in Kyrgyzstan - MP

16 Jan 2024

There are about 3,000 gold deposits in Kyrgyzstan - MP

AKIPRESS.COM - There are about 3,000 gold deposits in Kyrgyzstan, MP Sultanbai Aizhigitov said during a meeting of the parliament committee on fuel and energy complex, subsoil use and industrial policy on January 16.

He said that gold reserves in these deposits make about 350,000 tons.

According to him, gold deposits with reserves above 10 tons should be developed only by Kyrgyzstan. This gold should be stored in physical form, and the private sector can be attracted to other deposits, the MP stressed.

80% of the deposits should be developed by Kyrgyzstan, and 20% by the private sector, the MP noted.

"70% of underground development will go to the state, 30% to the private sector," he said.

The draft law amending laws "On Subsoil", "On Production Sharing Agreements for Subsoil Use" was being considered (introduced for the first reading) at the meeting.

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