Two Batken residents suggest transitioning to UTC+5 time zone in ...

16 Nov 2023

Two Batken residents suggest transitioning to UTC+5 time zone in Kyrgyzstan

AKIPRESS.COM - The chief editor of the newspaper Batken Tany Adylbek Akmatov and dentist Nurali Koilubaev have proposed moving the time back by one hour in Kyrgyzstan.

Currently, Kyrgyzstan is in the UTC+6 time zone, but Akmatov and Koilubaev suggest transitioning to UTC+5. They made this proposal at a press conference on November 16 at AKIpress-Osh.

According to them, moving the clock back would help preserve the mental health of the population, relieve the hassle of taking children to school and kindergartens early in the morning (when it is still dark), and save electricity consumption.

"Until August 12, 2005, Bishkek was in the UTC+5 time zone but shifted to UTC+6 afterward," Adylbek Akmatov said noting that although the issue may seem insignificant, it deserves attention. Currently, the early morning rush to wake up children and grandchildren for school creates stress, and the psychological aspect of human health is often overlooked. Kyrgyzstan's time is now an hour ahead of neighboring Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, and the proposal aims to revert to the previous time.

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