T&C Horoscopes: October 1—15


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October 1—15: Everyone is prone to getting their signals crossed near the 2nd, so stay alert. Mercury enters your birth sign on the 5th, which accents your ability to think clearly, but with Venus slipping into critical Virgo on the 9th and then bumping into harsh Saturn on the 10th, you’ll need some private time. The 13th accents more clarity about work matters, and the eclipse of the 14th resets your compass.

October 1 - Figure 1
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October 1—15: You’re on the brink of a new yearly cycle. Meanwhile, step back and regroup, especially near the 2nd, when confusion reigns, and the 9th and 10th, when hurt feelings cloud the air. With powerful Mars entering your birth sign on the 12th and trining Saturn on the 13th, you can easily take charge of tricky situations, but let yourself step aside—or even escape—during the eclipse of the 14th.

October 1 - Figure 2
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October 1—15: If you’re feeling a bit bewildered near the 2nd, do some reality testing. Mercury’s entrance into Libra on the 5th is telling you to reach out and network, but the period near the 9th and 10th raises concerns and brings up emotional misunderstandings. With Mars entering Scorpio on the 12th, you’re best off keeping a low profile and functioning as a power behind the throne.

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October 1 - Figure 3
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October 1—15: Be communicative and forthcoming as Mercury enters a strong angle of your chart by the 5th. Clashing wills are accented when Mars collides with Pluto on the 9th, and the most you can expect as a result is a standoff. You will feel empowered once Pluto changes direction after the 11th, and your drive and determination will get results near the 13th.

October 1 - Figure 4
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October 1—15: Try to pay attention to financial details near the 2nd, because confusion is in the air. Lots of ups and downs follow, and the 9th and 10th are somewhat treacherous, so take care not to inadvertently offend those who count. Once Mars enters Scorpio on the 12th, you’ll be feeling assertive, and you can accomplish what you set out to do even if others are acting a bit inconsistent near the eclipse of the 14th.

October 1 - Figure 5
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October 1—15: Crossed signals will happen near the 1st and 2nd unless you force yourself to remain very alert. You’ll need to make an effort to stay out of others’ clashes near the 9th and to be objective and not reactive if someone behaves a bit callously near the 10th. Venus in Virgo will begin to brighten your personal life after the 11th, and the 13th is a time to reach out to those at a distance.

October 1 - Figure 6
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October 1—15: Mercury’s entrance into Libra on the 5th accents discussions and heart-to-heart connections. Try to tread carefully near the 8th to avoid power struggles, and be ready to be helpful and supportive when others need you near the 10th. Your best times for success happen on the 12th and 13th, so be ready to act. The eclipse of the 14th is a perspective shifter.

October 1 - Figure 7
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October 1—15: If others seem indecisive near the 1st and 2nd, give them time to work out their issues. With Venus, your ruler, under harsh Saturn’s influence near the 9th and 10th, hurt feelings can easily happen, so be kind to yourself and others. Mars’s entrance into Scorpio intensifies close connections, and positive aspects near the 13th accent promising plans and agreements.


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October 1—15: The bafflement set in motion when Mercury, your ruler, runs into nebulous Neptune on the 1st and 2nd will quickly lift off. Venus’s entrance into Virgo on the 9th will also eventually bring an upbeat accent to lifestyle issues, but when it opposes crushing Saturn on the 10th, you’ll find it difficult not to succumb to gloom. Work will be your salvation on the 12th and 13th, and the eclipse of the 14th lights up a highly social part of your solar chart.

October 1 - Figure 8
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October 1—15: The Sun in Libra focuses attention on home and family, and after the 5th so does Mercury, which also accents visits and visitors. Mars squaring Pluto on the 9th, though, is all about contests of will—so steer clear. After the 11th, some kind of cloud will begin to lift in an important relationship, and plans for the future may begin to gel after the 13th. The eclipse of the 14th triggers resets—especially around lifestyle issues.

October 1 - Figure 9
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October 1—15: Avoid asking for advice near the 1st and 2nd, when thought processes will be fogged up. With Venus finally leaving your sign and then opposing Saturn near the 10th, be ready to navigate some emotionally turbulent waters and break through barriers. Mars is stirring up energy, and issues around home and family and great solutions will be at hand by the 13th.


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October 1—15: If others can’t give you a straight answer near the 2nd, be ready to give them some space and time. Once Mercury enters Libra on the 5th, your mind will be especially clear, and you can work out optimal financial solutions. Don’t take others’ off-putting behavior to heart near the 9th and 10th. Mars in your communication angle impels you to speak up by the 13th and bring about positive change.

October 1 - Figure 10
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October 1 - Figure 11
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