Your Horoscope This Week: October 1 to October 7

2 Oct 2023
October 1


Welcome to the first week of October, cosmic beings. We’re about to enter eclipse season, and the energy emanating from the recent full moon in Aries is still being potently felt. All zodiac signs are likely to feel more empowered, yet also more restless and impulsive, under this week’s transits. 

Mercury’s shift into Libra on the 4th helps diffuse the tension, encouraging us to be kinder to ourselves and to others, particularly when communicating with them. Instead of jumping to conclusions or making assumptions about how others feel about you, take a deep breath and put yourself in the other person’s shoes, to the best of your ability. 


Friday’s quarter moon in Cancer further helps soften our rough edges by reminding us that there’s power in vulnerability. If you’ve been bottling up your true feelings within yourself, by the end of this week you’d benefit from finding a healthy outlet to release them all, be it via kickboxing, writing yourself or a loved one a letter, or simply having an overdue crying session. Let it all out.

Read your horoscopes for your Sun and Rising signs for the most in-depth forecast.


Aries Sun & Rising:

Aries, you’ve just made it through an epic full moon in your sign. Your mission as we enter October is to chill out and decompress. The week begins with the Taurus moon helping you feel greater structure and stability as a new month begins. Resist the urge to force yourself to be productive during the first half of the week. Simply mellowing out and relaxing with loved ones is likely to bring you much fulfillment and peace. 

Mercury’s entrance in Libra on the 4th is significant, as it highlights your partnership sector after an extended stay in your sector of wellness and routine. You have a lovely opportunity to attract the right suitor(s) under this transit, as your communication style will be smooth and you’ll feel drawn to reciprocal unions. If you’re already in a relationship, your ideas for date night are likely to be more exciting and adventurous under this airy transit, so make the most of it.



Taurus Sun & Rising:

Taurus, you’re entering the first week of October with a greater awareness of your wounding — but at the same time you’re not allowing that wounding to get you down. If anything, it’s empowering you to better commit to your healing journey. The Moon’s presence in your sign as the week begins provides you with a sense of grounding and inner peace, helping you make rational decisions after a tumultuous full moon passage. 

With Mercury entering your fellow Venus-ruled sign of Libra on the 4th, your mental processes are likely to be more mellow and relaxed as you ease your way into October. Keep this chill mentality as much as you can, because at the end of this month you’ll experience a full moon lunar eclipse in your sign that may throw you off guard. Let this week’s transits teach you how to let go of what’s not within your control. 


Gemini Sun & Rising:

Gemini, life’s about to get simultaneously lighter and more intense for you. Let’s begin with the lightness first. Your planetary ruler Mercury enters your fellow air-sign of Libra on the 4th, bringing you some respite after the more serious energy of Mercury’s extended stay through Taurus during these past two months. Mercury in Libra will bring out your flirtatious and spontaneous side, but could also cause you to feel mentally all over the place. 

Then on the 6th, the quarter moon in Cancer lights up your sector of money and self-esteem in a way that asks you to re-evaluate what you deem your core values, and why. This means having tough conversations with yourself about your own limiting beliefs and how they’re holding you back from living your dream life and being your dream self. You may also have to face moments when you’ve ignored doing the work simply because you were afraid of your own success. It’s not too late to try again.



Cancer Sun & Rising:

Cancer, now that the energy from the Aries full moon is starting to wane, you’re likely to feel energized about your career options, especially if you’ve been wanting to take the leap in entrepreneurship or ask for a promotion at work. Just make sure that whatever decision you make professionally is coming from your heart, and not from your ego. The combination of the recent full moon and Venus’ final stretch in Leo could lead to you seeking more external validation than you’re typically used to. 

With Mercury, the Planet of Communication, entering Libra on the 4th, your sector of roots, the past, and the home is activated, and while you may initially appear to be more social, those who really know you may feel like you’re using humor and conversation as a way to mask the nostalgia that you’re feeling deep down. The key is to be honest with yourself about what you’re really feeling — keep a journal nearby, as the quarter moon in your sign on the 6th will help open up those doors of transparency.


Leo Sun & Rising:

Leo, the recent equinox and shift in solar seasons has made you feel more social, loving, and flirtatious lately. With Mercury entering Libra on September 4th, the universe is giving you the green light to be more carefree and not take life too seriously. Later this month, eclipse season is likely to dramatize your life, so you might as well be present and purposeful with how you spend your time before eclipse season begins. Say yes to what brings your soul the most joy. 


The moon spends time in your sign this weekend, and this allows you to better hear yourself and your core needs. Venus will shift out of your sign on the 8th, so enjoy the final stretch of this regal transit by doing more of what you love, and putting yourself first. There’s power in selfishness, when it’s not taken to extremes. Show the world how it’s done.


Virgo Sun & Rising:

Virgo, your planetary ruler Mercury shifts out of your sign on the 4th and enters Libra for the next two weeks. Your mind shifts to money matters, but, fortunately for you, the combination of having the Sun, Mercury, and Mars all in Libra is likely to help shift your consciousness in a light-hearted and expansive way. 

Instead of worrying about every single item you spend money on this week, ask yourself what brings you the most pleasure, and why. Shifting your mindset toward viewing pleasure as a human right will help you navigate the ease-focused energy of Libra Season. 

Friday’s quarter moon in Cancer harmonizes with your Virgo nature and could make you feel more sensitive than you’re typically used to. Don’t run away from the feelings that are emerging at this time, Virgo. Chances are, some of your friends are also feeling similar feels, and you could end the week feeling strongly connected to them simply because you were brave enough to open up.


Libra Sun & Rising:

Your birthday season keeps going strong, Libra, and this week Mercury, the planet of communication, joins the party when it leaves Virgo (after an extended stay due to Mercury Retrograde) and enters your sign for the next two weeks. Eclipse season is right around the corner — the new moon solar eclipse in your sign will strike next week, on the 14th, and you can already feel it coming. 


This weekend’s quarter moon in Cancer causes astrological friction with your Libra nature and could temporarily dampen your parade. You may have to deal with someone’s hurt feelings as they express something you said or did that made them feel sad. Instead of getting defensive or reactive when people reveal their feelings to you, get curious about how your recent actions or reactions may be coming off to them. It doesn’t mean you have to change or apologize, but at least you’ll know where they’re coming from.


Scorpio Sun & Rising:

Scorpio, for you Libra season serves as a period of self-assessment and much-needed release. With Mercury, the Planet of Communication, entering Libra on the 4th and shifting your focus even more towards your healing journey, you’re likely to be feeling introverted as the month begins. 

You can sense that everything’s about to change due to us rapidly approaching eclipse season, so this is an ideal week to figure out what you can delegate or completely eliminate from your regular responsibilities. The less burdensome you feel as we enter the month of October, the higher you’ll soar — especially by the time Scorpio Season begins. 

This weekend’s quarter moon in Cancer activates your sector of long journeys and expansion. You may feel conflicted between your desire to be present (thanks to Jupiter’s presence in Taurus) and your desire to go far, far away (due to the Cancer quarter moon). You can use your imagination to travel to new places in your mind. And you can use meditation to practice the art of presence. 



Sagittarius Sun & Rising:

Sag, this first week of October has you reflecting on what friendships mean to you, and how you tend to show up as a friend. Now that Mercury’s entering Libra, your sector of friendship, social networks, and technology is activated. Instead of pointing fingers and assuming that people are being fake or two-faced with you, make sure that the doors of communication are open and that you’re releasing judgment when communicating with people, whether they’re relatively new acquaintances or besties you’ve known since childhood. 

This weekend’s quarter moon in Cancer shines a light on your sector of health, routine, and wellness. It’s a good time to tackle any insecurities you’ve had about your body, or your creative abilities. As the week comes to an end, write down your inhibitions and fears, and take a good look at them. The more you face those fears head on, the less power they’ll have over you.


Capricorn Sun & Rising:

Capricorn, if you’ve been feeling the urge to recreate yourself lately, this week may be a great opportunity to take the leap and see what happens when you let go of the status quo and do what feels right to you, even if it makes no sense to anyone else. You’re likely to feel slightly (or very) rebellious this week, due to the Sun, Mercury, and Mars all being in the free spirited sign of Libra for several weeks. 

The Cancer quarter moon on the 6th occurs in your sector of marriage and partnership, and highlights a period of contention or confusion in that realm of your life. How clear have you been with those you love about what your true intentions are in the relationship, Capricorn? If you’re unaware of what those intentions are, then you’d benefit from giving yourself some solo time at the end of the week to have an honest conversation with yourself. You don’t want to lead people on, be it platonically, professionally, or romantically, so get clear on what you really want and why. And if you’re unable to gain such clarity this week, worry not, as Pluto’s shift direct in your sign next week will help you do so.



Aquarius Sun & Rising:

Aquarius, this week you’ll most likely crave a new form of intellectual or spiritual stimulation, largely due to Mercury shifting out of Virgo and into Libra for the next two weeks. This airy energy in the cosmos is helping lighten your mood, and it’s also making you appear more approachable to others. Don’t be surprised if secret (and not-so-secret) admirers openly reveal themselves to you this week. 

On the 6th, the quarter moon in Cancer throws you out of your comfort zone and asks you to face elements of your past you thought you had successfully bypassed. But with your planetary rulers Saturn and Uranus both retrograde in your sign right now, you have key lessons that you have left to integrate. Part of those lessons have to do with your partnerships, as Venus is rounding out its stay in Leo, shining light on your most intimate relationships. Acknowledge the recurring patterns that show up in that realm of your life, Aquarius. Some patterns are healthy, some are harmful. Be aware of what can stay and what must go.


Pisces Sun & Rising:

Pisces, this week is ideal for examining your relationship with wealth and financial collaborations. Mercury enters Libra on the 4th, and activates your sector of depth, merging, and outside resources. Even if you’re not the most money-conscious person, you’re likely to become so these next two weeks. Budgeting, saving, investing, and multiplying your resources will be on your mind. 

This weekend’s Cancer quarter moon reminds you of the power of finding a balance between strength and softness. People often underestimate you and assume that you’re simply a crybaby water sign, but you have an inherent toughness, blended with wise sensitivity, that makes you a force to be reckoned with. As the week comes to an end, someone may test your patience in a way that leads you to release your dangerous, and wildly unpredictable side. This will ultimately help you gain more respect, because people will soon see that you’re not always as sweet as you appear.

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