Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

1 Oct 2023
See what the stars have in store for your sign.

 “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Wise words by Scientist Thomas Alva Edison to contemplate as you begin the day, Capricorn. Just a reminder: you are where you are supposed to be and the so-called mistakes too were a part of the plan. Part of the plan that enabled you to master certain lessons and show up in the big, bad world as the most empowered version of yourself. Aquarius, if not now, then when? If not you, then who? *This* is the time to break free from self-imposed limitations and to show up as the brightest and boldest star in the galaxy! This is the time to take more chances, to do different, to think different, and challenge those around you to see the world differently. ‘Course that doesn’t mean your attempt to start the revolution will always receive a standing ovation. Prepare yourself for challenges of all kinds. At the same time, trust your ability to find creative solutions as you navigate the stickiest of situations. We get it, Leo! You’d rather avoid what’s coming up for you right now. But, the truth is, the ickiness and stickiness won’t just go away. Not until you face what your subconscious is revealing to you. So, pause. Cultivate silence, wild one. Tend to the wounds with love and care as you listen to what they are whispering to you. Something tells us you are an alchemist! An alchemist blessed with the ability to turn your pain into power.

October - Figure 1
Photo Vogue India

So, what does the day ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s find out. Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most! 

Aries Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

Lo and behold, Aries! You are now stepping into a time of self-reliance and abundance. The Universe is encouraging you to pause and enjoy the fruits of your labour while staying committed to your path. Remember, harnessing the power of  intention-setting is going to be crucial at this time. Define your goals clearly and then get to work pronto! You have so much to accomplish in the coming months. ‘Course that doesn’t mean it’s going to be all work and no play. Leisure and pleasure promise to be an integral part of the narrative as long as you perfect the fine art of balance.

October - Figure 2
Photo Vogue India

Cosmic Tip: Here’s to walking through the portal of prosperity with ease!

Taurus Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

But, how do *you* feel about the new opportunities knocking at your door? This isn’t about what looks good on paper. It’s about what brings you joy and enables you to fulfil your sacred purpose. So, stay in alignment with your truth, Taurus! At the same, walk Imposter’s Syndrome to the exit door. Overheard at the cosmic conference: you haven’t come this far to let fear and self-doubt get the better of you.

Cosmic tip: Stay in alignment with your truth!

Gemini Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

This weekend for you is also about love and relating. You’re in the mood to get your crew together and celebrate the joy of being alive! Throw a feast, if you feel called to, or host a garden party if the weather decides to work with. Dress code? Whatever makes you feel fun and flirty! Oh, and one more thing! Pay attention to your creative urges to. Something tells us the spark you’re feeling is leading you in the direction of growth!

October - Figure 3
Photo Vogue India

Cosmic tip: Here’s to the joy of being alive!

Cancer Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

Hello, and welcome to your villain era, Cancer! Today, you’re in the mood to speak your truth, to tell it like it is and to reaffirm your boundaries wherever necessary. Watching you stand in your power may intimidate a few people, and that’s okay. You weren’t sent here to be palatable anyway! Some of you may be feeling a lack of clarity when it comes to your interpersonal relationships. Don’t underestimate the power of asking direct questions. At the same time, hold space for the other to share what’s on their mind and in their heart. Overheard at the cosmic conference: it’s better to ask than to assume, wild one.

Cosmic tip: Ask direct questions.

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Photo Vogue India
Leo Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

We get it, Leo! You’d rather avoid what’s coming up for you right now. But, the truth is, the ickiness and stickiness won’t just go away. Not until you face what your subconscious is revealing to you. So, pause. Cultivate silence, wild one. Tend to the wounds with love and care as you listen to what they are whispering to you. Something tells us you are an alchemist! An alchemist blessed with the ability to turn your pain into power.

Cosmic tip: Breathe through it all, beautiful.

Virgo Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

Now is *not* the time to leave everything to chance, Virgoi. This is the time to engage in important conversations around money, property, assets and the kind of life that you wish to build together. Remember, love alone cannot pay your bills. As such, matters related to home and family could also be vying for your attention. What you want to avoid: trying to resolve matters virtually or in your head. Having an open and honest conversation over tea is the best way forward, beautiful.

October - Figure 5
Photo Vogue India

Cosmic tip: You may have to engage in conversations about money and property.

Libra Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

We get it, Libra! You’re dealing with a devil and the deep blue sea situation here. Instead of acting on an impulse, breathe, and remember how far you have come. If you are truly committed to the path of transformation like you say you are, then you must motivate yourself to move differently, to grow differently, even if it means venturing into the unknown. Just a reminder: your higher self is holding space for you to grow in more ways than you can imagine and in more ways than you can count.

Cosmic tip: Deep into the portal of transformation.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

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Photo Vogue India

Opportunities like these don’t come by everyday. We repeat: opportunities like these don’t come by everyday, Scorpio. Challenge yourself to move differently, grow differently, as you walk Imposter’s Syndrome to the exit door. At the same time, remember to be humble. Remember to move through life with your feet firmly planted on the ground. This will enable you to learn what you need from life and from those around.

Cosmic tip: It’s time to grow differently.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

If there’s anything doing the work has taught you it’s that there is no substitute for the truth. So, you’re learning to express yourself fully. You’re learning the art of telling it like it is, even if that means disappointing a few people. Just make sure you’re not coming across as harsh in the process, though. A little bit of tact every now and then won’t hurt, Sagittarius. What’s more, this chapter of your life is bringing with itself the gift of clarity. If you’ve been unsure of which direction to head towards, prepare to receive a clear roadmap from your angels and guides in the days to come.

October - Figure 7
Photo Vogue India

Cosmic tip: There’s no substitute for the truth, wild one.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

 “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Wise words by Scientist Thomas Alva Edison to contemplate as you begin the day. Just a reminder: you are where you are supposed to be and the so-called mistakes too were a part of the plan. Part of the plan that enabled you to master certain lessons and show up in the big, bad world as the most empowered version of yourself. So, turn your knowledge into wisdom as you prepare to march forward and onwards. You have so many mountains to move, Capricorn, and you’re just getting started on your mission!

Cosmic tip: You’re just getting started!

October - Figure 8
Photo Vogue India
Aquarius Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

If not now, then when? If not you, then who? *This* is the time to break free from self-imposed limitations and to show up as the brightest and boldest star in the galaxy! This is the time to take more chances, to do different, to think different, and challenge those around you to see the world differently. ‘Course that doesn’t mean your attempt to start the revolution will always receive a standing ovation. Prepare yourself for challenges of all kinds. At the same time, trust your ability to find creative solutions as you navigate the stickiest of situations. You’ve got this, boo!

Cosmic tip: Say hello to the brightest and boldest star in the galaxy!

Pisces Horoscope Today: October 1, 2023

October - Figure 9
Photo Vogue India

If not you, then who? If not now, then when? Today, you’re being called to embrace your inner strength, take charge of your script and show up for life with main character energy! Your ability to lead by example and plant the seeds of change in the collective consciousness is what makes you a force to be reckoned with. As such, the week ahead may also bring with itself the opportunity to rub shoulders with influential people from your field of work. PS: We hope you’ve perfected that elevator pitch, baby!

Cosmic Tip: We hope you’ve perfected that elevator pitch, baby!

October - Figure 10
Photo Vogue India
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