Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

1 Oct 2023
See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Intuition. That’s your power word for the month, Aries. We are all born with an inherent ability to self-guide through whatever the world throws at us, and there’s no denying that you’ve had a fair share thrown at you recently. So, listen to the waters within and release those parts of you that no longer serve you. What you think is your story or has been your narrative up until now, may not hold true for your future self. You are already rewriting your Destiny in more ways than one! Break out those glitter pens and get to journaling, Libra. Your birthday month may be riddled with retrogrades and eclipses, but-but-but you have to factor in that this is all happening in divine order. The eclipse is a portal, beautiful! You have to take this time to sit with the thoughts, patterns, and all things uncomfortable that are coming up because you are being offered the chance to confront all subconscious energy blockers that are holding you back. What happens when you get it all, Taurus? When all your I’s are dotted and your T’s are crossed and the checklist is complete and you’re at the top? If you’ve been going hard after the things you want to achieve, now is the time to take it easier. You don’t need to be hustling 24×7. Give in to the ease and natural flow of the present moment. One simple way is just to step into observer mode – look at things as they are, imperfect but entirely their own. So, what does the month ahead have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore! Remember, these are guidance-based Soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon or rising sign. Share it with a unicorn you love!

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Photo Vogue India
Aries Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

Intuition. That’s your power word for the month, Aries. We are all born with an inherent ability to self-guide through whatever the world throws at us, and there's no denying that you’ve had a fair share thrown at you recently. This month, you are being asked to listen to the waters within and release those parts of you that no longer serve you. What you think is your story or has been your narrative up until now, may not hold true for your future self. You are already rewriting your Destiny. Wish upon a star, catch a falling feather, give in to the whimsy of the world. Oh, and speaking of intuition, it’ll also tell you when to strike hard and fast (true to your Aries style) on the goals and dreams that you have set for yourself. This is a good month to have your voice be heard – so long as you know what you are talking about. Intentionality, there's your other power word. With the right intent, you have the wind beneath your wings to take flight to new heights.

Power crystal: Honey calcite

Taurus Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

What happens when you get it all, Taurus? When all your I’s are dotted and your T’s are crossed and the checklist is complete and you’re at the top? If you’ve been going hard after the things you want to achieve, this month is when you can take it easier. You don’t need to be hustling 24x7. Give in to the ease and natural flow of the present moment. One simple way is just to step into observer mode – look at things as they are, imperfect but entirely their own. When you shed your notions of this and that and just surrender to the flow, you make room for deeper understanding of the self and those around you. Honour your legacy in terms not just of your achievements but also of the people you surround yourself with. Family time will do you good. Also,

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reconnect your loved ones. Some of you have been ignoring your physical wellbeing and are advised to engage in some holistic outdoor activities, yoga, running, whatever floats your boat. It’s about striking a balance between the mental and the physical plane.

Power crystal: Turquoise 

Gemini Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

The general vibe this month is a bit heavy for you, Gemini, but trust that every experience has the potential to teach you a valuable lesson. One that may not be immediately obvious or even feel justified in the moment, but will come with the perspective you gain over time. As a general rule for emotional and mental wellbeing make sure that at the end of the day you take five minutes to analyse your thoughts. Are the things that sit heavy even yours to carry? Shoulder what is your fair share of the situation and cut loose from what is not. As an air sign, you have a proclivity to mental gymnastics, but an over exertion of the intellect can lead to burnout in a number of ways. Don’t overthink yourself into a corner. When you find yourself veering towards overthinking,

 take a step back. Regroup and try another day. Channel all that brain power into creative pursuits to find a light in the tunnel. Making room for new ideas will help ease some of this tension.

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Photo Vogue India

Power crystal: Black tourmaline.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

This month, you are unbothered, moisturised and in your lane! You’re brimming with self confidence, planting roses wherever you go, and even if you don’t feel this way every day, having the intention to do so is a good place to start. Practice words of affirmation, repeat them to yourself whenever you feel the need for a little boost. You have all it takes to go after your dreams, if there is anything holding you back it is simply your mind. The trick is to just find your north star, the general direction of where your passion is leading you and forget about having a fully drawn up map. Your dreams lie just on the other side of adventure. You can’t commit to going there with the knowledge of how it will go. The same goes for love and partnerships. You can’t invest in a person, whether platonically or romantically, with the caveat of knowing exactly how it will turn out and exactly what their intentions are. Be comfortable with not having all the answers. Power word for the month: Courage.

Power crystal: Citrine.

Leo Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

This is a time of checks and balances, of equivalent exchange, of the give and take to measure against the intangible, the heart source, the womb space. If you have felt any blockages in your energy field this is a good time to examine what could be causing them. Our little cosmic pro-tip, it all comes down to the inner child. Reconnect with the parts of yourself that you may have forgotten in the pursuit of money, power, glory. Trust that it’s not too late to have your Soft Girl Summer. Nurture. Your power word is simple, nurture those parts of you that are calling out to be heard. Do things that bring you a full belly laugh. Take a pot of paint and make a mess. Bake your feelings into a batch of brownies. Give yourself the love that you have been seeking outside of yourself. That’s the key. When they say that you already have the love you desire, this is what it means. You are capable of loving, cherishing, nurturing yourself in every possible way. The heart chakra is opening.

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Photo Vogue India

Power crystal: Malachite

Virgo Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

Is it indecisiveness or the exhaustion of an overactive mind? You’re being called to introspect on why you engage in this neverending mental gymnastics. Think of it as a project, if that helps. Just remember that October is a time when you will have to get to the bottom of things. Seek clarity. In the process of understanding yourself better remember to be kind, forgive yourself for all that has transpired. Release yourself from those high standards you hold. In matters of healing, they don’t serve you any good. As you heal the mind via the heart, you automatically make space to see the joy and bliss that surrounds you. You already have the abundance you need in love, in money, in stability. You don’t always need to be ‘seeking’ it. For the month ahead, do three things every week that make you happy just for the sake of being happy. Go out with your besties, get lost in a bookshop, take a walk through the neighbourhood garden. Just be.

Power crystal: Moonstone

Libra Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

Break out those glitter pens and get to journaling. This Libra season may be riddled with retrogrades and eclipses, but-but-but you have to factor in that this is all happening in divine order. The eclipse is a portal, beautiful! You have to take this time to sit

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with the thoughts, patterns, and all things uncomfortable that are coming up because you are being offered the chance to confront all subconscious energy blockers that are holding you back. Every wound needs to be examined and nurtured – whether this is unfair treatment by

 a lover or the feeling of not being heard when you voice your opinion. There are so many ways that small hurts pile up and become heavy. Let go of the heaviness. Honour this as a time to clear, cancel, and release! Let the light in. Some of you may also feel called to look at your relationship with money this month. Are you holding yourself back from the occasional indulgence for fear that you may not have the same security tomorrow? Would it help to know that you are just as worthy a cause to invest in than all other things you think about? Overheard at the cosmic conference – it’s time for a little glow up!

Power crystal: Angel aura quartz/ Celestite

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

Your self-worth is not tied to anything other than your existence in this very moment. You are enough. Be kind to your mind this month, Scorpio. Know that what you have allowed or believed to be your story up until now does not apply to your future self. You are already moving into a more whole you. This is your sign from the universe to let go of the old narrative, the heartache of the past, and make way for all that is new and good coming your way. Let your heart be your guide and let it lead you into new vistas purely on the basis

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of passion. Seek what ignites you from within, what sparks your intellect, what drives you to experimenting with new things. This is the key to freeing yourself from outmoded thoughts and relationship patterns. You are not the same you that made those mistakes, so let go and be easy on yourself. This is a month for embracing your flaws (even if you admit to having them only in privacy) because it is through this harmony that you are able to meet and become one with your ideal, most exalted self.

Power crystal: Red jasper.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

When there are things left unaddressed, they tend to become sticky. Thoughts and situations of an unpleasant or generally bothersome nature in particular can feel like pinpricks to the mind. What you need to do is dig deeper and find the core of what is weighing you down. Let your heart be your guide, put away the thinking mind and use that inner compass to navigate this time. A sense of dissatisfaction looms over you like clouds waiting to rain, however this isn't one of those times when you can sweep it under the rug and pretend it doesn’t exist. On a professional front it may be time to take to the road, go out and experience things that churn the mind matter. Find a way to make your headspace a fertile ground again, a place to feel excitement again. You need to foster relationships that fill your cup, that are grounded and exist beyond fair weather friendships. How can you make bonds that stand the test of time rather than wishy washy connections? On a side note, healing may be beneficial to those of you who need to quiet the mind and shift more into the heart in particular.

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Photo Vogue India

Power crystal: Snowflake obsidian

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

Breathe.This is your power word for the month ahead. If you can remember to breathe, particularly in times when your patience and fortitude is put to the test, if you can bring your concentration back to the things that actually matter, then you're golden. Another power word for the month is ‘no’. Just say no to going out if you don’t want to, spending time with people that drain your energy, listening to notions of love and success that feel out of alignment with your view of the world. There is a sacred plan in place, one that is the result of choices and efforts where you have invested in the past. You need to step back and allow for this sacred plan to play out right now. Step back and observe, observe without judgement as all things that are out of alignment will fall away from your life. This might seem contradictory now but hear me out – you can hold true to your value system while still being open to new and different perspectives. Don’t be set in stone, Capricorn. Remaining soft and malleable will prove beneficial to your growth in the long run. Single Capricorns may hear unexpectedly from a potential lover, just in time for spooky season!

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Photo Vogue India

Power crystal: Selenite

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

Practise patience and stillness this month, Aquarius. Trust that what is playing out is in your favour even if it may not be immediately apparent. There is a sacred plan in place, one that has been set in motion as a result of your choices and the work you have put in – not just in developing your professional skills but also the ways you have worked on yourself. Self-actualisation is as much a full time job as any! And sure you can occasionally give in to your flights of fancy and conspiracy theory spirals, but don’t do that thing where you pull a vanishing act on your friends and then say “Air Sign Problems”. All things in balance, one that may be hard to achieve but will ultimately serve you well. Your power of observation is second to none. So, turn your gaze inward and observe your own patterns at this time. On the love front, if someone is being stingy with their love or putting conditions or ultimatums on a connection, it is time to address the issue head on. You know what you deserve.

Power crystal: Rhodonite

Pisces Monthly Horoscope: October 2023

The month of October holds powerful potential for profound transformation, Pisces. You have all the ingredients to make magic happen, all you have to do is listen to your intuition. As the oldest of the zodiac, you have an inherent knack for inspiration, insight and perception. Put them to use! Love is in the air, in more ways than one. No we're not talking polyamory, we’re simply saying that wherever you go, go with love. Express gratitude for long-standing friendships, spend time with your parents, give your partner the gift of your undivided attention. Things on the work front may be exhausting, you might even feel pushed to your limits but just know that you are so close to the finish line. That being said you have to create a sense of balance to avoid possible burnout. Even if it only happens on the weekends, engage in activities that provoke joy and fulfilment that is unconditional. Go back to the basics, think about

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what brought you joy as a kid and how you can recreate that experience now. Fill your own cup, boo.

Power crystal: Rainbow moonstone

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