Your Monthly Horoscope for October Is Here

1 Oct 2023
Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:October 4: Mercury enters LibraOctober 8: Venus enters VirgoOctober 11: Mars enters ScorpioOctober 14: New Moon Solar Eclipse in LibraOctober 21: Mercury enters ScorpioOctober 23: Sun enters ScorpioOctober 28: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Buckle up, cosmic cuties, because October’s astrology is anything but ordinary! The month starts off in the midst of Libra season, inviting you to nurture your most important relationships, experiment with your style, and fill up your social schedule.

October - Figure 1

The first planetary event of the month kicks off on October 2 when Mercury in Virgo stares down Neptune in Pisces, bringing a wave of confusion. Miscommunication and misunderstandings abound. On the bright side, this can also be a very creative aspect. On October 3, Mercury in Virgo mingles with Pluto in Capricorn and you're feeling empowered with your plans and ideas. Conversations that take place today can feel healing and transformative.

Mercury, the cosmic messenger, moves into Libra on October 4. You're putting more mental energy into your relationships and collaborative projects, and you would rather keep the peace than rock the boat. Some tension heats up the skies on October 8 when Mars in Libra rams into Pluto in Capricorn. This can stir up ruthless energy that has people (including you) adopting a win-at-all-costs attitude. Free advice: Try to keep your ego in check and avoid power struggles if possible.

Venus, the planet of love and finance, finally leaves Leo (where it has been since June 5) and enters Virgo on October 9. The good news: We’re completely free of the Venus retrograde post-shadow phase. The bad news: Venus struggles a little bit when it moves through self-sacrificing Virgo. When the love planet moves through Virgo, you may find more pleasure doing mundane tasks with your partner like cooking together, going to the gym, or running errands.

October - Figure 2

Your love life hits a cosmic speed bump on October 9 when Venus in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces. Rejection, setbacks, and loneliness can pepper the day. Free advice: This is not the best time to profess your undying love for someone. Pluto ends its retrograde on October 10, asking you to reclaim your power and embrace your shadow side for healing. On October 11, Mars enters Scorpio, one of its favorite signs, and you're able to access a deep well of determination, consistency, and resilience. Mars and Saturn, two of the most notoriously challenging planets in the sky, form a harmonious connection on October 13. You're pouring your effort and energy into the projects and people you want to commit to.

The Astrology of October 2023

Libra season: September 23-October 23

Uncommon Goods Glow in the Dark Zodiac Art

Venus enters Virgo: October 8

Earthy Corazon Venus Planetary Candle

Mars enters Scorpio: October 11

October - Figure 3

TinyToesDesign Mars Art Print

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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra: October 14

Charlotte's Web Jewellry Total Eclipse Silver Stud Earrings - Moonstone

Scorpio season: October 23-November 22

PANTIDE Scorpio Zodiac Layer Necklaces

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: October 28

SunAndStarsJewelry Lunar Eclipse Bracelet

Before you know it, eclipse season is here! A New Moon solar eclipse in Libra darkens the skies on October 14. This is the first solar eclipse in Libra we’ve had since October 2004. Think back to that time period in your life: What were you focused on? Similar themes may pop up during the next 18 months. Solar eclipses coincide with fated new beginnings in our lives. With this eclipse in the sign of Libra, new partnerships or a new cycle in an already established partnership may be beginning. This eclipse is also taking place right next to the South Node, a point of release. You may be leaving certain people or relationships patterns in the past under these moonbeams.

October - Figure 4

A flash of insight arrives on October 19 when the Sun in Libra meets with Mercury in Libra, forming a cazimi. This can bring a moment of clarity, divine downloads, or a breakthrough. Secrets may be reveled on October 20 when Mercury in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn. You may be addressing any unhealthy power dynamics or setting boundaries. It’s easy to feel stuck in the past today, so take care of yourself.

October 21 is a busy day in the sky. The Sun in Libra collides with Pluto in Capricorn, bringing an important moment of illumination. On the same day, Venus in Virgo meets with Jupiter in Taurus, uniting the two luckiest planets in the sky. There is more flow, ease, and harmony in your connections. Lucky or fortunate news worth celebrating may also arrive. Mercury moves into brooding Scorpio on the same day, too. You may be feeling more guarded or private. This is an excellent time for research, exploring your psyche, and exercising your intuition. Then, you're ready to make a commitment or sign a contract on October 22 when Mercury in Scorpio connects with Saturn in Pisces.

October - Figure 5

The Sun enters Scorpio on October 23, ending astrology's cuffing season and inviting you to explore the unknown. Scorpio season 2023 is here, and no matter your own zodiac sign, you're craving more depth in your interactions. A burst of drama and energy takes over the skies on October 28 when Mars in Scorpio sits across the sky from Jupiter in Taurus. You may be releasing pent-up anger, or you may simply be extra productive today. This is chaotic energy, so try to move through the world a little more slowly and thoughtfully than normal.

A Full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus takes place on the same day, marking the final eclipse we will experience in this sign until 2031. Lunar eclipses coincide with endings, culmination points, and release. We’ve experienced eclipses in both Taurus and Scorpio over the past 18 months, and this final eclipse wraps up a major storyline in the areas of your birth chart that both Taurus and Scorpio occupy. Think back to November 8 of last year for clues as to how this lunar eclipse will unfold for you. On the same day, Mercury in Scorpio opposes Jupiter in Taurus. This can mark an important shift in your personal goals, belief system, or the arrival of important news or information.

October - Figure 6

Mercury and Mars meet in the sign of Scorpio on October 29, creating a cutting yet strategic energy. Words can sting today, and you may be honing your skills, setting boundaries, or charging forth with a meaningful project. The month ends with an experimental and lively energy on October 31 when Venus in Virgo approaches Uranus in Taurus. You may feel a desire to experiment with your style, spice up your relationship, or interrogate your beliefs.

Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising sign horoscopes for October 2023.













Stephanie N. Campos

Stephanie is an astrologer, psychic medium, and witch. She's studied the mystical arts for over a decade including the stars, mediumship, palm reading, tarot, curanderismo, and more. She is the author of Seasons of the Zodiac: Love, Magick, and Manifestation Throughout the Astrological Year and host of the podcast Daily Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign. Her work has also appeared in Refinery29, Well + Good, Bustle, among other publications, and she has appeared on the Today Show as an astrology expert and modern mystic. 

October - Figure 7
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