Casper's newest pediatrician celebrates one year at home in Casper

4 days ago
Photo via Banner Wyoming Medical Center

Dr. Bakhsh is now welcoming patients from newborn to age 21.

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Photo Oil City News

Dr. Ismaeel Bakhsh was looking for something different for his young family when he decided to look at a pediatrician job in Wyoming last year. He and his wife were living in New York City, where he had completed his medical training, with their two young children, ages three and one.  

“I’ve never lived anywhere like Wyoming,” said Dr. Bakhsh. “But I love change.” 

The Bakhshes have loved their first year in Casper. “My kids are having fun, and everyone has been so friendly and helpful,” he said.  

Growing up, one of Dr. Bakhsh’s brothers had asthma and was often hospitalized with complications. The pediatrician who treated his brother gave them the opportunity to enjoy their childhood together. “When he was on the right medications, he was a completely different person,” said Dr. Bakhsh. “We were able to go out and play and run.”  

Dr. Bakhsh’s parents were bankers, and his two brothers followed more closely in their footsteps. But Dr. Bakhsh said that even as a child he had a particular interest in science and biology. He also had an innate interest in helping people. Practicing medicine was a good opportunity to do both. 

He has an aunt in his home country of Bahrain who is an emergency physician, but he ultimately chose pediatrics as a specialty because he particularly enjoyed working with children. “The joy and resilience that kids have is just remarkable,” he said. 

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Photo Oil City News

As a pediatrician, Dr. Bakhsh prides himself as a listener first. “There’s nothing right or wrong about any questions parents and kids have,” he said. “And my treatment plan is always an agreement between me, the parents and the child.” 

The primary job of a pediatrician is prevention, and Dr. Bakhsh encourages regular visits to ensure good health of children from the time they are days old. Newborn checks typically start within a couple of days after birth. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises a prescriptive schedule for well-child visits, which ensures early detection of any abnormalities and the appropriate intervals for vaccine administration.  

“Everyone is different, and I can help develop individualized plans that make everyone comfortable,” said Dr. Bakhsh. “I really want people to know that I’m here to help no matter what.”  

Dr. Bakhsh sees children through age 21 for everything from well-child and sick visits, to mental health and ADHD evaluations, and referrals to pediatric specialists when appropriate.  

“The earlier we detect, the earlier we intervene and the better the outcome,” he said.  

The Bakhsh family hasn’t had much time to see much of Wyoming yet, but now that they’re settled, they want to spend the next year spending more time in Wyoming’s great outdoors, especially the national parks.  

“Now it’s time to explore,” he said.  

Dr. Bakhsh is welcoming patients ages 0 to 21 at Banner Health Clinic (Sage) in Casper. Learn more or make an appointment here:

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