Defence counsel seeks to amend name of Zayn Rayyan

26 Jul 2024

PETALING JAYA: The lawyer of Zayn Rayyan’s parents has requested the Sessions court, here, today to amend the name of the child.

According to Berita Harian, lawyer Fahmi Abd Moin, representing Zaim Ikhwan Zahari, 29 and Ismanira Abdul Manaf, 29, informed sessions court judge Dr. Syahliza Warnoh that the child’s name should be amended from Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin to Zayn Rayyan bin Zaim Ikhwan.

“Referring to the charges presented by the deputy public prosecutor on the previous date (June 13), the child’s name recorded was Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin, but we have received an extract from the National Registration Department (JPN) Selangor through Ismanira that corrects the information in Zayn Rayyan’s birth certificate.

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“On July 4, the name correction for Zayn Rayyan was made and changed to Zayn Rayyan bin Zaim Ikhwan,” he was quoted as saying.

“I would like to record our request to amend Zayn Rayyan’s name in the charge sheet,“ he said, also submitting a copy of the new birth certificate to the court during the first case mentioned today.

Upon hearing this request, deputy public prosecutor Nurul Qistini Qamarul Abrar confirmed that the prosecution only received the new birth certificate this morning.

“Since this document was only handed over this morning, the prosecution requests to inform the parties if there are any amendments to the charges on the upcoming date,“ she said.

ALSO READ: Parents of Zayn Rayyan under pressure, seek justice

After hearing both sides, the sessions court judge instructed the prosecution to first confirm with JPN, and the matter will be reviewed at the next mention of the case.

Meanwhile, during today’s mention, the court was informed that lawyer Mahmud Abdul Jumaat no longer represents Ismanira. She is now represented by Fahmi.

Fahmi stated that Ismanira had sent a letter terminating the legal services.

“I understand that Ismanira sent the termination letter to the firm Emir Mahmud & Co on June 18,“ he said.

Lawyer Hadzwan Ayob from the firm Emir Mahmud & Co also confirmed this.

During today’s proceedings, both accused appeared calm alongside their families.

Also present were observing lawyers from the Malaysian Bar Council, Vivek Sukumaran and Jason Wee.

ALSO READ: Court grants six-day remand extension against Zayn Rayyan’s parents

Zayn Rayyan was found dead near a river at his home in Damansara Damai on December 6 last year.

On June 13, the husband and wife pleaded not guilty to a joint charge of neglecting their child, Zayn Rayyan Abdul Matiin, 6, in a manner likely to cause physical injury.

The charge is made under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001 and punishable under Section 31(1) of the same act read together with Section 34 of the Penal Code.

This section provides for a fine not exceeding RM50,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 20 years or both, upon conviction.

Additionally, the court may order the convicted person to complete a bond with sureties for good behaviour for any period and under any conditions the court deems fit, as well as perform community service.

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