6774 individuals to receive National Day honours

8 Aug 2024

Singapore National Day - Figure 1
Photo The Straits Times


Aug 09, 2024, 07:02 AM


Aug 09, 2024, 05:00 AM

SINGAPORE – A total of 6,774 people will be recognised this year for their contributions to the country and receive National Day Awards.

The list includes Mr Peter Ho, chairman of the Urban Redevelopment Authority, who receives the highest accolade given out in 2024 – the Order of Nila Utama (With High Distinction), one of the Republic’s top national honours.

Mr Ho, 70, has contributed to Singapore for over 50 years, including as a public servant for more than three decades.

He held roles such as the head of the civil service and permanent secretary at the Prime Minister’s Office, and at the Defence and Foreign Affairs ministries.

After retiring from the public service in 2010, he continued to contribute to Singapore, including as a member of the National Research Foundation board and chairman of the Urban Redevelopment Authority.

Mr Ho is also the founding chairman of the Social Science Research Council, where he introduced initiatives to develop talent and strengthen research in social sciences and humanities.

He has also been chairman of National Gallery Singapore since 2021, where he guided the institution’s drive for artistic excellence while fulfilling its social role as a people’s museum, stated his award citation.

Mr Ho, senior adviser to the Centre for Strategic Futures, said: “I am grateful for the opportunity to have served Singapore for the past 50 years. In this long journey, I have had the privilege of working with many colleagues who have shared the vision of building a nation that is competitive, secure and culturally vibrant.”

There are six recipients of the Distinguished Service Order (DSO):

Ms Jennie Chua, 80, chairman of the Woodlands Health development board committee and Vanguard Healthcare; Mr Hsieh Fu Hua, 73, chairman of the National University Health System and National University of Singapore Board of Trustees; Mr Peter Ong Boon Kwee, 62, former chairman of Enterprise Singapore and former head of the civil service; Mr Syed Hassan Syed Mohammad Salim Al-Attas, 72, member of the Presidential Council for Minority Rights; Mr Phillip Tan Eng Seong, 75, chairman of Yellow Ribbon Singapore; and Mr Teo Ming Kian, 72, chairman of ST Engineering and former director of Temasek.

Ms Chua was recognised for her contributions in many fields of public service, from healthcare and the arts to education and international relations.

In healthcare, in her current role at Woodlands Health, she led her team to overcome significant disruptions to the facility’s construction due to delays related to the Covid-19 pandemic.

At Vanguard, she steered the company to establish five nursing homes over seven years to meet growing demand.

She was also a member of the MOH Holdings board for 16 years.

Ms Chua was also the founding chairman of the Singapore Film Commission.

She is currently adviser to Community Chest, chairman of Temasek Foundation International, pro-chancellor of Nanyang Technological University and non-resident ambassador to Spain.

Mr Syed Hassan, meanwhile, has contributed to advancing interfaith harmony in Singapore for over four decades.

He is one of the longest-serving imams and head of Ba’alwie Mosque near the Botanic Gardens.

“He personally hosted learning journeys for the local community and international visitors to the mosque’s interfaith museum to enhance appreciation of Singapore’s multicultural harmony and led initiatives to strengthen community cohesion,” according to the award citation.

He is also a council member of the Inter-Religious Organisation, and contributed on the steering committee of the Inter-Racial and Religious Confidence Circles, the precursor of Harmony Circles today. Harmony Circles are community networks meant to promote racial and religious harmony.

He has been a member of the Presidential Council for Minority Rights since 2021.

Mr Syed Hassan said he was surprised to receive the award. “I never expected to receive the award because I feel like there are so many people better than me and more deserving of this award. I am very humbled.

“If we look at our teachings of Islam, it is very important to love our country, as it is part of our faith. We should do our best for our country.”

Mr Phillip Tan, another DSO recipient, said getting the award reaffirmed the importance of community support in reintegration efforts.

Over the years, he has contributed to efforts to give former offenders a second chance, according to his award citation. As chairman of Yellow Ribbon Singapore, he provided effective guidance on policies and strategies to support the rehabilitation and community reintegration of ex-offenders.

Mr Tan was also the chairman of the Board of Visiting Justices and Board of Inspections for the Singapore Prison Service from 2017 to 2020, and chairman of the Yellow Ribbon Fund from 2006 to 2014.

He was a board member of the National Council of Social Service from 1992 to 2022, and chairman of Community Chest from 2013 to 2022.

Mr Tan said: “I am grateful for the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in our society. I would also like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all friends and colleagues who have supported me on this journey. I look forward to continuing these meaningful endeavours and striving for positive change in the years to come.”

There are seven recipients of the Meritorious Service Medal.

They are: Mr Edward D’Silva, former chairman of the Public Hygiene Council; Mr Lee Chuan Seng, chairman of the National Environment Agency; Mr Richard Lim Cherng Yih, chairman of Synapxe and the Energy Market Authority; Mr Niam Chiang Meng, chairman of Gardens by the Bay; Mr Pang Kin Keong; permanent secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs; Professor Tan Eng Chye, president of the National University of Singapore; and Mr Wong Siew Hoong, adviser at the Ministry of Education and former director-general of education.

A full list of the 2024 National Day Award recipients is available on the PMO website.

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