National Day Awards: Former chairs of HDB, National Healthcare ...

8 Aug 2023
Singapore National Day

SINGAPORE: More than 6,000 people are on the National Day Awards list this year, with four individuals getting the Distinguished Service Order (Darjah Utama Bakti Cemerlang).

The full list was announced on the Prime Minister's Office's website on Wednesday (Aug 9).

The four recipients of the Distinguished Service Order are former Housing Board (HDB) chairperson Bobby Chin; Founders' Memorial Committee member Timothy de Souza; former National Healthcare Group chairman and chair of the Yale-NUS College governing board Kay Kuok; and former Singapore Technologies (ST) Engineering chairman Kwa Chong Seng.

During his tenure as HDB chairperson from October 2016 until March 2023, Mr Chin strengthened the corporate development and governance structures within the board by forming its Audit and Risk Committee.

He also championed HDB's workforce transformation journey and organisational development while cultivating stronger management-union relations. HDB's Green Finance Framework was introduced during his time at the helm, as were new housing typologies.

Mr Chin has also served as a member of the Council of Presidential Advisers and as chairman of the Urban Redevelopment Authority, the Medishield Life Review Committee and NTUC FairPrice Co-operative.

Mr de Souza has been a member of the Founders' Memorial Committee since it was formed in 2015 and contributed to the conceptualisation of the memorial, including its objectives and form, by engaging with Singaporeans.

During the Share Your Story, Shape Our Memorial campaign, he encouraged Singaporeans to contribute their artefacts and stories to the memorial.

This was aimed at making the memorial accessible and relevant to all generations while highlighting the continued relevance of Singapore's founding values.

Mr de Souza has also been a member of the Presidential Council for Minority Rights since 2010, and is the chairman of the Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation Appeals Panel.

He also chaired several People's Association committees between 2002 and 2020.

Madam Kuok served as chairman of the National Healthcare Group (NHG) from 2009 to 2021 and steered the group through several major milestones, including its integration with the Alexandra Health System, its partnership with the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and the development of its population health efforts.

She also played a critical role in setting up the National Centre for Infectious Diseases and led NHG in its national COVID-19 response.

She was the founding chair of the Yale-NUS College governing board and oversaw the growth of Singapore's first liberal arts and residential college.

She continues to head the board of the college as it merges with the National University of Singapore's University Scholars Programme.

Mdm Kuok has also chaired or served on the boards of a number of community organisations, industry groups and government bodies across the sectors of healthcare, education, tourism, the arts and the environment.

These include the Courage Fund, NorthLight School, the National University of Singapore, the National Environment Agency, the Singapore Tourism Board and the National Arts Council.

Mr Kwa served as chairman of ST Engineering from April 2013 to April 2023. During this time, cutting-edge systems were delivered to the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) to support its third-generation transformation.

He oversaw the strengthening of operations and maintenance support for SAF platforms, which contributed to a high state of operational readiness and resilience.

Mr Kwa also played a key role in growing critical homegrown technology and engineering manpower and expertise.

The COVID-19 pandemic saw these capabilities put to use to develop solutions for the SAF and other public agencies.

Mr Kwa also served as the deputy chairman of the Public Service Commission and was a member of the Legal Service Commission. He currently serves on the Judicial Service Commission.

According to the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) website, the Distinguished Service Order may be awarded to any person who has performed within Singapore any act or series of acts constituting distinguished conduct.

It can also be awarded in special circumstances to any person who has performed outside Singapore any act or series of acts constituting distinguished conduct.

Six others will also receive the Meritorious Service Medal (Pingat Jasa Gemilang).

Among them are the immediate past president of the Industrial Arbitration Court Justice Chan Seng Onn; Ensign InfoSecurity chairman and SMRT Corporation deputy chairman Lee Fook Sun; SG Enable and Special Needs Trust Company chairman Moses Lee; and Ministry of National Development permanent secretary Ow Foong Pheng.

The Meritorious Service Medal can be awarded to any person who has performed within Singapore service of conspicuous merit "characterised by resource and devotion to duty, including long service marked by exceptional ability, merit and exemplary conduct", said the PMO website.

It can also be awarded in special circumstances to those who have performed such service overseas.

A total of 6,598 individuals will receive National Day Awards this year.

Other notable names on the awards list include JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who was accorded the Public Service Star (Distinguished Friends of Singapore) for his role as a member of the Monetary Authority of Singapore's International Advisory Panel.

National Trades Union Congress president Mary Liew will receive a Public Service Star, while Singapore's oceans issues ambassador Rena Lee will receive the Public Administration Medal (Gold).

Chief of Defence Force Aaron Beng and Chief of Army David Neo will be conferred the Public Administration Medal (Gold) (Military).

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