Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for July 7 to July 13

7 Jul 2024

Jul 07, 2024 01:00 AM IST

Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for July 7 to July 13, 2024. What do the cards have in store for Leo and other zodiac signs for this week?
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Love: The Moon

Tarot - Figure 1
Photo Hindustan Times
Read on to find out your Tarot reading for the coming week.(Unsplash)

Mood: The Devil

Career: Eight of Coins

Prepare to turn obstacles into opportunities to showcase your resilience this week. Implementing changes to your approach could lead to significant cost savings. Stay vigilant about your competitors in the workplace. Remain humble and open-minded towards the perspectives of your colleagues. Hosting a visiting relative may strengthen familial bonds. Incorporate enjoyable and productive activities into your relaxation routine. Stick to your regular healthy eating and exercise habits, and try not to dwell on worries excessively. Unexpressed emotions might lead to misunderstandings in your romantic relationships. Proper preparation is key for a pleasant and stress-free adventure trip. Health concerns may hinder students' ability to focus on their exams. Investing in real estate can offer a relatively secure financial option.

Lucky Number: 5Lucky Colour: Green TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

Love: Five of Swords

Mood: The Sun

Career: The Star

Brace for a week where your potential knows no bounds. Career-wise, some natives might enter a fruitful and rewarding period. If you ask family elders for advice, they may be able to shed light on your future. If you have connections abroad, you have a good shot at reaping handsome monetary rewards. Romantically inclined individuals may feel a spark of attraction for a new acquaintance. You might have a week where you don't have to worry about your health. Students who put in the time and effort to prepare will do well on tests and exams. Furthermore, they might be accepted to the university of their choice. You should not put too much money into the property you like; proceed patiently. Get informed and seek advice from professionals. Unnecessary trips can amplify the stress of life.

Lucky Number: 11

Lucky Colour: Brown

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Love: Two of Wands

Mood: The Hierophant

Career: Page of Cups

Anticipate a fulfilling week unfolding before you. People may eagerly seek collaboration with you and entrust you with pivotal tasks in the workplace. You're positioned to have the means to make prudent financial decisions. Thoughts of a new romance could set your heart aflutter. Sustaining a high level of physical fitness demands consistent dedication to the journey. Recent rifts among relatives are worrisome and may lead to a tense atmosphere at home for a while. Favourable outcomes await you on any business excursions you undertake. Students grappling with challenges in college can anticipate positive developments shortly. There's a possibility of securing a new property at a discounted rate.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: White

CANCER (Jun22-Jul 22)

Love: Judgement

Mood: Seven of Swords

Career: Nine of Coins

Get ready for a week brimming with possibilities and opportunities ahead. You might find yourself driven to embrace additional work responsibilities during this time. Entrepreneurs can nurture their ventures into profitable enterprises. By embracing comprehensive care, you can finally attain inner peace and harmony. Maintaining a positive mindset may help in overcoming negative emotions. When you and your romantic partner truly connect, your romantic journey can take a favourable turn. Your reputation within your professional community and among peers is set to ascend. Some students stand to gain invaluable insights from seeking guidance from a professional career counsellor. Petty disagreements may disrupt collaborative real estate ventures. Embarking on a religious journey or pilgrimage might lead to a profound sense of fulfilment. Parents may play a crucial role in helping children discover their strengths and unlock their full potential.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Yellow

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Love: Four of Wands

Mood: The Hierophant

Career: Three of Coins

Brace yourself for a week brimming with abundance and prosperity. Your professional prospects may turn for the better in the days ahead. Diligent attention to paperwork could enhance productivity levels. A proactive approach to domestic matters can restore tranquillity in your home. Affection between partners may foster a nurturing and affectionate connection on the romantic front. Trusting your instincts is wise in business dealings before making commitments. A regimen of massage and sauna sessions can contribute to maintaining a healthy physique. Renting out a room or home can significantly bolster your financial well-being. Embarking on an overseas adventure can be an unforgettable experience, especially with compatible companions. Students should exercise caution with their words this week, as luck may not be on their side.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Purple

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23)

Love: Magician

Mood: The Hanged Man

Career: Ace of Swords

Prepare for a week brimming with opportunities and realization of aspirations. This week could prove fruitful for those striving to enhance their financial stability. To progress in your career, it's essential to take decisive action and make informed choices. Romance blossoms for the younger crowd this week, leading to encounters with new acquaintances. Family harmony may face challenges in the coming days, but assuming leadership roles at home could significantly enhance relationships with loved ones. Embracing healthier dietary habits is advised to bolster immune systems. Reconnecting with an old friend and engaging in vibrant gatherings await you this week. Students grappling with personal issues may seek counsel for guidance. Long-term financial gains may result from investing in property.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Light Blue

LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23)

Love: The Fool

Mood: The Devil

Career: Five of Wands

This week, strike a balance between staying focused and allowing yourself some relaxation. Your dedication may enhance your standing in the professional arena. Strengthening financial position would help in navigating business challenges. Home may be abuzz with celebrations as youngsters bring news of success or marriage. Maintaining composure in romantic encounters will be vital for nurturing romance. Neglecting physical fitness could lead to a sedentary lifestyle and health issues. Dedication to studies this week promises improved outcomes for diligent learners. A work-related trip might yield a tidy profit. Investors in real estate may begin to see profitable returns from their previous ventures.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Orange

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Love: Strength

Mood: Five of Coins

Career: The Emperor

This week, you may find it beneficial to exert additional effort to achieve your objectives. Starting afresh can offer opportunities for learning and laying a solid groundwork. Previous bets may yield additional earnings. Endeavours to foster harmony at home could prove successful with a blend of compromise and empathy. Focusing on emotional needs with your partner may bring immense joy. Consistent exercise and a balanced diet rich in protein and nutrients are key to getting in shape. It's an opportune moment to enrol in a program to enhance your skill set. There's a high likelihood of receiving an anticipated inheritance from a relative. Students should handle detractors with tact. Weekend getaways might not always provide the desired respite from routine stress.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Grey

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Love: King of Coins

Mood: The Magician

Career: The Tower

Embrace the week ahead with confidence in your capabilities. You might find yourself diving into the dating scene and encountering intriguing companions. Garnering attention in your professional sphere may come effortlessly this week. Moreover, your finances could prove to be more than adequate to meet your needs. Prioritizing the health of your parents can contribute to a harmonious family life and solid relationships. Remember to balance aerobic exercises with adequate rest to avoid burnout. Students stand a good chance of excelling in admissions exams. Simply contemplating taking time off can uplift your spirits, so consider planning a trip soon. This week presents a favourable opportunity to explore farmland and potentially make a purchase.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Maroon

CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 21)

Love: The Fool

Mood: Three of Swords

Career: Four of Cups

Get ready for a week filled with positivity and abundant possibilities. The workplace is likely to remain stable, with your ideas poised for implementation. It's an opportune moment for business endeavours, leading to significant revenue growth. Heeding parental advice is a reliable path to future success. Focus on enhancing your strength and stamina, as these qualities are invaluable. Married couples may encounter conflicts with their in-laws. Relying solely on "luck" for a student's success is misguided. Business trips offer the potential for additional income generation. Now is a favourable time to consider joint real estate investments.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Golden

AQUARIUS (Jan 22-Feb 19)

Love: The Sun

Mood: Five of Coins

Career: Two of Wands

This week could hold multiple reasons for celebration for you. The time invested in nurturing your children is likely to profoundly influence their joy. There's a strong possibility of rekindling a lasting connection with an old friend at present. Entering into marriage introduces a fresh dynamic to relationships. Unexpected news concerning work might require you to realign your resources. Entrepreneurs leading startups may anticipate a period of diminished returns on investments. Circumstances could give certain students a chance to resume their studies. Investing in a new building or property deal could prove to be a lucrative venture. You might overlook some social commitments. Taking moments of silence for rest and rejuvenation may be in your forecast.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Red

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Love: The Empress

Mood: The Magician

Career: Two of Swords

Prepare for challenges that spark personal growth and development. Professionals will gain valuable insights into newly established roles or projects. Collaboration proves indispensable for success and profitability in the corporate realm. Don't be surprised if your partner takes the lead in planning a romantic evening. Kickstart your week with a refreshing glass of homemade coconut water or fresh fruit juice. Seek wisdom and tranquillity by heeding the advice of older family members. Your endeavours in distance education will yield rewarding outcomes as you expand your knowledge base. Consider enrolling in a language class to acquire or refine new skills. The family estate could emerge as a significant financial asset. Exercise caution when booking accommodations through travel websites; not all may meet your expectations, so choose wisely.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Pink

(Astrologer, Tarot Card Reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Fengshui Consultant)Email: [email protected]: http://www.askmanisha.com Contact: +919650015920)

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