WhatsApp planning to redesign status updates preview, begins ...

3 days ago

WhatsApp is introducing a new preview feature for status updates, currently available to select beta testers. This update includes redesigned thumbnails and maintains profile photos, making it easier for users to identify contacts and browse updates efficiently.

WhatsApp - Figure 1
Photo India Today

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New Delhi,UPDATED: Jun 25, 2024 09:15 IST

WhatsApp is one of the most-used instant messaging platforms in India and every feature that the company rolls out, or works on, makes headlines. It was recently reported that the Meta-owned platform is planning a redesign of the Status updates tray. And now, fresh reports indicate that the instant messaging app is rolling out a new preview feature for status updates. This is currently being rolled out to a select group of beta testers and is expected to be available for more users soon. The feature aims to introduce a more streamlined and visually appealing way to view updates.

A WA Beta Info report says that the new status update preview feature appears as a thumbnail on the right side of the screen for users who follow channels. This design maintains an uncluttered updates tab by employing a horizontal layout. For users who do not follow any channels, WhatsApp has introduced a vertical list for status updates, which now includes a redesigned thumbnail that previews the status updates while retaining the profile photo. This change addresses the previous issue where the profile photo was replaced by the preview, making it more difficult to identify contacts at a glance.

WhatsApp - Figure 2
Photo India Today

In previous updates, users could preview status updates in a vertical list, but this feature replaced the profile photo, complicating the process of quickly identifying contacts. The latest update resolves this issue by positioning the thumbnail alongside the profile photo, offering a more informative and visually appealing preview.

As mentioned already, this new feature has been made available to some beta testers who have installed the latest version of WhatsApp beta for Android from the Google Play Store. It is expected to roll out to more users in the coming days. This enhancement ensures that all users can enjoy an efficient way to browse status updates, regardless of whether they follow channels.

The redesigned status update preview feature marks a significant improvement in how users interact with status updates on WhatsApp. By maintaining the profile photo alongside the preview, WhatsApp provides a clearer and more visually appealing way to browse updates, ensuring that users can easily identify their contacts while enjoying a better overall experience.

As the new feature continues to roll out, it will be interesting to see how users respond to the changes and whether it leads to increased engagement with status updates. WhatsApp's ongoing efforts to enhance its platform underscore its dedication to providing a top-notch messaging service that meets the evolving needs of its users.

Published By:

Divyanshi Sharma

Published On:

Jun 25, 2024

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