Leetonia latchkey program provides structure, support outside ...

7 hours ago

LEETONIA — According to Leetonia Elementary School Principal Jackie Dunnigan, this is the fifth year that the district has offered the latchkey program, which is headed by one coordinator and plus two other staff depending on the numbers of students participating for the week.

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This is an option for parents or guardians who have to be at work before the school start time at 8:30 am. They register their students weekly for participation if needed and can drop them off between 7 and 8:30 a.m. and not have to worry about child care.

Similarly for parents who still at work when the children would normally be released, they can sign them up weekly and pick them up between 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. based on their schedule.

The program is available Mondays through Fridays.

The district pays for the initiative, which Dunnigan said is much needed, out of the general fund.

Leetonia Elementary School teacher Greg Davis looks on as Zayden House (left), 10, and Gavin Pelznik, 8, play a game of Shake and Slide during Tuesday’s aftercare program. Shortly later, Pelznik’s ride came to retrieve him, so he had to leave. (Photo by Stephanie Ujhelyi)

Leetonia schools Superintendent Tony DelBoccio is very much in favor of the program initiated by his predecessor, Dennis Dunham.

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Photo SalemNews.net

“Before and after school care programs provide students with structured, supportive environments that extend learning beyond the classroom. By offering academic support, extracurricular activities, and a safe space, these programs encourage consistent attendance and promote engagement in school,” he added.

Students enjoy a snack; enrichment activities, like board games, crafts or coloring; STEM activities or even homework help.

As fifth-grade teacher Casey Harris, who sometimes helps with the program, explained they are just learning to get along, so it has been great for their interaction. “Sometimes we even do a fun Friday, where they watch movies and eat popcorn,” she said.

While Harris and several other teachers oversee the afternoon programming, kindergarten teacher Mike Frenfer coordinates the morning programming.

Dunnigan explained, “This has been very popular,” with Harris adding that she believes it has positively has impacted the district’s attendance.

The program also gives teachers to have more one-on-one time with participating students than they normally would do in a normal classroom day. “I enjoy it, because I can start forming relationships with some of young kids whom I eventually will have in my classroom,” Harris said.

The district’s Red Zone coordinator, Matt Burns, also participates in the aftercare program, the principal concluded.

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