Hydroxyurea significantly reduces infections in children with sickle ...

29 Jan 2024

INDIANAPOLIS — Clinical research led by Indiana University School of Medicine investigators and their collaborators in Uganda has revealed that hydroxyurea significantly reduces infections in children with sickle cell anemia. Their latest findings enhance strong evidence of hydroxyurea’s effectiveness and could ultimately reduce death in children in Africa, the continent most burdened by the disease.

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Zinc for Infection Prevention in Sickle Cell Anemia study leaders Chandy John, far left; Ruth Namazzi, second from right; and Robert Opoka, far right; with Justin Brown, second from left, and Aaron Pontsler, center, from the Thrasher Research Fund, who funded the study. Photo courtesy of Chandy John

The group’s research, recently published in the journal Blood, revealed that hydroxyurea treatment resulted in a remarkable 60% reduction in severe or invasive infections, including malaria, bacteremia, respiratory tract infections and gastroenteritis, among Ugandan children with sickle cell anemia.

“Our investigation provides powerful justifications for hydroxyurea’s use in children with sickle cell anemia in Africa,” said Dr. Chandy John, the Ryan White Professor of Pediatrics at IU School of Medicine and co-lead investigator of the latest study. “Given the high rates of infection in this region, we hope our evidence will encourage ministries of health to continue supporting and expanding access to hydroxyurea for young patients who can greatly benefit from the treatment.”

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Photo IU Newsroom

Sickle cell anemia is a genetic blood disorder that alters the structure of red blood cells and affects oxygen distribution throughout the body, increasing susceptibility to serious health complications and life-threatening infections. According to the World Health Organization, more than 300,000 children worldwide are born with sickle cell disease each year, with a high prevalence found in African countries.

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